Construction and Engineering Awards 2021

BUILD Construction and Engineering Awards 2021 72 Being based in Chile has opened up many doors for the business, with the need for residential housing growing by the day. It sometimes seems as though the need for housing will never be met. For the team at Smartbuilding, the biggest change in the industry is one which will affect their work considerably. Alongside the need for more growth is a new law which will improve the quality of living while decreasing the environmental impact. The implementation of this new law will demand new technologies from innovators at firms such as Smartbuilding. The future of Smartbuilding, therefore looks bright indeed. In the short term, the team hope to consolidate their sales channels, reaching $3 million in sales by 2022, alongside developing a platform through which they can become a real retailor. Once that has come to fruition, Smartbuilding will spend 2022 expanding its product and service range, and has plans to invite other operators in the market to join it in the development of the sustainable construction industry. With the experience garnered over the years, the intention is to transition Smartbuilding into a space where people come to get advised and informed about the sustainable solutions market. In this way, the team know that their efforts can benefit people throughout Chile as a whole. Company: Smartbuilding Spa Name: Francisco Zeising Email: Web Address: Jun21787 nown generally as Smartbuilding, the official name for this award-winning firm is actually Eco-Efficient Technologies for Construction. Since opening their doors in 2013, that is exactly what the team has done. Focusing on the most innovative and sustainable solutions for the construction industry, the team has become the place for architects and engineers alike to turn to. Construction is often seen as quite a traditional industry, but as times have changed, the way in which technology can be implemented has become more common. More and more people have seen the benefits that new ideas can bring, and customers have come to expect many of these as standard. The drive for more sustainable construction, for example, is crucial to the progression of many projects. Naturally, innovation in construction carries enormous risks. Until a project is completed, the full impact of these risks cannot be fully calculated. Because innovation means entering a field with little information or expertise, it requires a strong approach at all times. One of the clearest examples of this is the way in which certain developers who are keen to innovate are offered a complete range of solutions. Smartbuilding works with providers of Thermal Enveloping products (USTUCCO and SMARTAIR) to a proprietary brand of Heat Pumps that range from heating pools to whole houses and other innovative water heating solutions, so as to offer a comprehensive portfolio. While this took three years of work and investment, the end result is now specified for as part of all projects undertaken by many companies. To ensure that the team’s innovative mindset is right for a project, the team take great care in choosing what they invest in. For them, a construction project is not something that they tender for, but a partnership that brings about new possibilities within the industry. This means that while the Smartbuilding team are coming up with new concepts, they must work alongside managers who are open to innovation on a practical scale. Thanks to this carefully calculated approach, the team have been involved in many projects where their solution was the ideal option for all parties. Most Innovative Energy Efficiency Solutions Provider - Chile The construction industry is always looking for innovative and sustainable solutions, and few firms deliver on the same scale as the team from Smartbuilding. Their work has brought them deserved recognition in the Construction and Engineering Awards 2021, and within the industry at large. We dig a little deeper into the secrets of their success to see what steps they have taken to achieve greatness. K