Construction and Engineering Awards 2021

BUILD Construction and Engineering Awards 2021 8 Jun21792 SP UK’s suction excavators are a relatively new excavation method that is quickly becoming the preferred solution over more traditional methods in the industries of construction and building. Fundamentally, the excavator itself is a self-contained and driveable unit that uses high-powered fans to excavate up to 750m of ground at any one time, depending on the metrics and configuration of the specific excavator in question. It does this safely and efficiently – leaving less margin for error or risk to the operator – completing its job by moving a suction hose hydraulically into a ready-created hole in the ground through remote control operations. It also allows for three-dimension R handling of the machine that uses compressed air from the air lance to fracture the ground for the removal of the material. One of the benefits of excavating dirt and ground in this manner is that suction excavation reduces the risk created by utility strikes. Such things can cause damage to machinery, are extremely dangerous to personnel, and quickly add up damage costs to sky-high levels, resulting in messy and expensive situations that must be dealt with before the company can move on. Due to this, it has become a darling of the gas industry in particular, as reducing the risk of mains strikes has been a huge draw. Furthermore, RSP UK has been seeing more and more Being the best in suction excavation technology, and operating in both the UK and Germany, RSP UK Suction Excavators Limited is combining ingenuity and flawless manufacturing to make excavation safer for clients across the board. Reducing the risk of mains strikes, machinery damage, and harm to personnel, as well as carrying the added pedigree of being made an environmentally aware company, RSP UK’s products promise a reliably tailored solution that can fit seamlessly into any project. Best Suction Excavator Manufacturer 2021 - UK