Construction and Engineering Awards 2021

9 Construction and Engineering Awards 2021 BUILD In this manner, despite its size, it can always ensure that customer relations and service remain empathic, personal, and sensitive. RSP UK is dedicated to keeping the customer at the forefront of its operations across the board, ensuring it is not just personalised but also accessible for the myriad of diverse clients that it works for, able to become a cornerstone partner in helping them to thrive in the modern market. Therefore, its customers will always liaise with the same person when they begin to embark on the process of purchasing a suction excavator. This means that throughout the experience, the staff member and client build up a rapport, and the staff member can get to know the customer’s business in order to work out what product will be best for them. Its most recent project has been the Breaker Boom, something that once again follows the RSP UK process and that its clients have welcomed with open arms into the market. This product, a suction excavator with a breaker arm included, was developed in Germany from an idea germinated by the UK team, directly responding to customer need and their demand for more specialist technology. In essence, therefore, the Beaker Boom is a truly collaborative project that will herald in a new era for suction excavation technology and propel RSP UK to even further success, encompassing its business values of working with a customer to find the correct solution. It boasts a combined suction excavator, breaker, and on-board compressor, making it an entirely self-contained and exemplary solution. This will not only reduce plant hire costs in the future – thus allowing for its customers to funnel the saved revenue into other, equally important things – but it also contributes to increasing on-site efficiency, making itself an excellent solution for congested sites such as inner-city work. Moreover, although the Breaker Boom is outstanding, RSP UK is not content to rest on its laurels with this most recent successful innovation. It will continue to create bigger and better milestones for ingenuity going forward, consistently displaying its dedication to making excavation safer for workers and more cost effective for business. Within the trenchless industry, therefore, it has made itself a pivotal and cornerstone figure, with the technology and experience behind it that aptly sets it apart from the rest of the sector, resulting in the best technology on the market emboldened by a depth and breadth of experience. Overall, it is incredibly proud to be in the position it is in. By investing in the next best thing, listening to the customers it serves, and promoting the problems that suction excavation can solve, its hard work has been the key to its success. This is something it thanks each and every one of its diligent and dedicated team members for allowing to be possible, as RSP UK knows that it can rely on the rock-solid foundation of its staff to carry it and them forward into evolving and embracing the new technologies that are right around the corner. As it moves forwards towards the rest of the year – and indeed the rest of the decade – this is something it is confident will not be slowing anytime soon. With more professionals becoming aware of the benefits suction excavation can provide, and a push towards net-zero, RSP UK is working hard to embrace further safety measures and sustainable ways of working that will continually elevate it, its clients, and its industry in the macro scale. Company: RSP UK Suction Excavators Limited Contact: Nicole Bilham Website: customers across the UK’s industries of plant operation, rail, and others suchlike warm up to the technology after seeing the positive impact it can have on a business. In addition, the RSP UK suction principle is internationally patented and guarantees the highest levels of gravitational separation; this is something that becomes especially impressive when one considers this works in tandem with exerting the lowest load on the filters, delivering consistently high-level suction performance. This has been empowered since the beginning by the quality of its German manufacturing pedigree. The continuous evolution of the technologies that this company creates are part of its commitment to continue shaping the way the future of this industry will look. Happily, this goal comes more into sight by the day. Allowing more safety for workers and more peace of mind for the companies they work for that their personnel are working with machinery that is both reliable and effective, RSP UK wishes to continue making itself a highly attractive investment choice for professionals across a myriad of sectors. Moreover, operating in both the UK and Germany has allowed it to cultivate a diverse and dynamic target market that it is proud to serve. Being a family business, customers from each of these countries can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere from the very first interaction, extending the cohesive and collaborative nature of its team outwards towards the customers it serves.