Design & Build 2020

26 BUILD Design and Build 2020 Aug20468 BUILD Q1 2021 16 he heart of innovation revolves around the question “what does the future hold?”. For many, this is a question to be answered by writers and scientists, but architecture, too, has its part to play. The way in which we inhabit the planet, how we interact with nature and the impact humanity has on the landscape at large is an ever-growing question within society. When Yoshitaka Uchino established YDS, he had a vision where architects could be visionaries of science and art, with philosophy. The aim was not to simply start a firm that would design buildings, but one that could design architecture and cities. The vision was one which could create brand-new concepts for commodes and communities alike. The design principle that ties together every aspect of the YDS vision is that of unification. Architecture and nature are combined by blurring the boundaries between them, as opposed to establishing hard walls in order to stop either interacting with the other. The use of light and shadow, rain and wind are key parts of how a YDS design is developed, with the aim being to create beautiful spaces where all can be experienced. The result is what the team like to call “Wavering Architectures”, which stimulate human minds and invoke communications between human and nature. The team’s aim is simple, to create dramatic spaces where people can connect easily. They use voids, areas of empty space, to do this. The simple combination of a minimalist approach that is surrounded by nature is one which has rewarded the team many times over the year. Similarly, the use of simple geometric forms, such as circles, squares and grids has been a boon to those who have used their services. The design for the house “Wavering Nature” demonstrates this beautifully, and is intended to fit in a prairie in the suburbs of Mexico City. The aim of the property is to create an infinite space surrounded by the wonders of nature, with curved glass and carefully planted trees allowing for the illusion of a building enfolded by nature’s glory. Privacy can be gained through the use of core boxes, but the open plan nature of the building gives clients a very different perspective to a regular approach to housebuilding. For some, the work of YDS will not be to their liking, but the team has built much of their design principles around traditional and Achieving Excellence in Innovation What does it mean to be truly innovative? Does it mean doing something entirely new, or could it involve taking a different approach with the familiar? We take a closer look at Yoshitaka Design Specialists, founded by Yoshitaka Uchino in 2005. This talented team has been named Most Innovative International Architecture Design Firm 2020 – Japan in BUILD’s Design and Build Awards, so we took a closer look to find out why. T simple formulations. Their work, as promised, provides a strong connection between the different parts of our lives. It is a way of reconnecting with nature – a feat that grows ever more important by the day. Company: Yoshitaka Design Specialists Contact: Yoshitaka Uchino Website: Aug20468