Design & Build 2020

30 BUILD Design and Build 2020 Aug20242 20 BUILD Q4 2020 Aug20242 he Nordic values were established in 1962 in Helsinki when the leaders of Nordic nations came together to understand what they had in common, as a means to promote cooperation after years of war, revolution and land grabbing. Eventually, they came down to five principal values that they shared; preservation of the environment and natural resources; new ways of thinking, creating and innovating; openness and transparency; compassion and equality and trust. These Nordic values go hand in hand with architectural quality based on innovation and experience to form the foundations of Lars Gitz Architects, a global studio for sustainable architecture, urbanism and design. Established in 1997 by Lars Gitz MAA. MDD., the studio has since grown into a globally renowned international practice delivering sustainable and aesthetic architectural solutions across Scandinavia and worldwide. With a strong focus on the functional, artistic and social value of architecture, Lars Gitz Architects has been recognised and awarded frequently for pushing the boundaries in architectural standards. Led by Lars Gitz and his fellow partners, Jon Clausen, Architect MAA and Sanne Motzfeldt Bentzen, Constructive Architect MAK, who both manage and share ownership of the practice, Lars Gitz Architects works to holistically create architecture and design that exceeds normal standards, implementing their Nordic values to adapt to current and future global challenges. The firm aims for longevity and sustainability in the delivery of every one of their designs, whether it is a new construction or the optimisation of an existing space, whilst also guaranteeing a space will serve both clients and users as effectively as possible. To that end, Lars Gitz Architects joins forces with their clients, colleagues and collaborators to create worlds of opportunities that facilitate smarter, more sustainable and more connected lives. Delivering professional service that is built on the firm’s values of simplicity, clarity, honesty and passion, Lars Gitz Architects is able to offer architectural design services that also go far beyond any normal standards to represent credibility, professionalism, innovation and loyalty. Consequently, the team of architects are able to engage in honest and open collaboration with their clients and thus accomplish beautiful, timeless architecture that reflects the identity and values of the client. Thus, Lars Gitz Architects is able to achieve one of their principal missions; to make a positive impact in people’s lives. A Nordic State of Mind A vision for smarter, more sustainable living, integrated with the fundamental Nordic principles for life; the cohesion of these two concepts is elemental to Lars Gitz Architects, a Scandinavian practice dedicated to assuring sustainable and aesthetic solutions with long lasting value for clients, occupants and society. Continually challenging the limitations of space and form to create truly unique buildings that encapsulate exceptional technical skills and quixotic aspirations, Lars Gitz Architects designs spaces for and of the future. T Second only to client satisfaction for Lars Gitz Architects is sustainability, which exists at the heart of every activity and project undertaken by the firm. All projects are audited against global standards, whilst the firm also looks to develop bespoke strategies that drive its own environmental agenda. Principally, this revolves around taking a holistic approach to design that uses a unique, integrated approach to develop innovative strategies that are focused on the future of the environment. Therefore, the initial stages of every project consist of fresh, creative thinking that pushes the boundaries of a design’s potential. This leads to a solution that is perfectly tailored to both the site and user, which has been methodically achieved through a holistic and rigorous analysis of local contexts and surrounding areas. Lars Gitz Architects is leading the way in their approach to design, setting new global standards by fostering the unique integration of architecture with environmental conscience, resource consciousness, healthy project finances, social responsibility and good craftsmanship. Another dominant feature of the Nordic Values is compassion and equality and Lars Gitz Architects holds this in equally high regard. What should be, yet unfortunately is not for many, an established principal is equal pay across genders. At Lars Gitz Architects, the creation of an inclusive working environment has been a priority for over twenty years and as such, pays men and women equally for equivalent jobs across the practice. Merit is the basis of progress and as such, the firm’s talented team are constantly encouraged to produce their very best work. By regularly reviewing their policies to ensure their practices are fair, Lars Gitz Architects ensures the entire team is valued and no-one is overlooked or unfairly treated. Therefore, while maintaining the design ethos of the practice and holding overall design responsibility of every step of every project, the senior members of the Lars Gitz Architects team also see the growth, development and enthusiasm of their own team. Every individual within the studio shares a passion for design and through working together, across the hierarchies of teams and management, Lars Gitz Architects is able to deliver excellence in their fully integrated approach to responsible design. The commitment to integrity and ethics goes far below the surface level of the firm and Lars Gitz Architects ensures total fairness in all of their business dealings and relationships. The