Design & Build 2020

65 Design and Build 2020 BUILD Dec19356 Q2 2020 BUILD 25 Dec19356 pecialising in large scale commercial architectural projects, WoWA was established in 2012 and has offices in Shanghai, along with a fleet of experienced designers and talented professionals from all over the world. As an emerging international new brand, Shih-I discusses what it is that sets the firm aside from competitors and ensures client satisfaction. “WoWA values every project and puts whole hearted effort in making every project unique and excellent. “Our founding mission is to bring profitable return for client by creating high end and unique design, making memorable places and experience for the audience. In addition to this, we also insist only the necessary design elements in our projects without redundant procedures to exhibit elegant simplicity and powerful landmark in all scales. These have never changed since day one of us being established.” WoWA’s projects include supertall towers, offices and hotels, large scale urban mixed use buildings, master planning, and headquarter design. The firm also specialises in establishing exquisite space and details in both urban and human scale. “Our building designs require intense experience and knowledge, at the same time, the passion to create a unique, sustainable, affordable and special architecture for both clients and the public to enjoy. Alongside this, our strength is that we have all the qualities needed, we love what we do, and we want our client to have the best design with a vision. We will try our best in achieving success using our intense experience background for our client with respect. This is what makes us special.” The company culture at WoWA encourages innovation, creativity, diligence and excellent service and Shih-I Chou goes on to describe what the firm looks for in its employees. “It is no secret that our talented and responsible staff are key to every project’s success and execution therefore we spend great efforts in culturing them. We are always recruiting design talents on every level because we are growing. Usually the individuals who have strong commitment to high quality design and are eager to take initiatives fit well in our office.” Looking forward, WoWA has a bright future ahead, along with further plans of expansion, as Shih-I concludes. “Overall design demands are getting more professional which we believe is moving in the right direction, and we actually can fit better because we are well experienced professionals. Creating Memorable Places WoWA consists of a group of very experienced and talented architects in large scale commercial building design. Following their recent win in BUILD’s 2020 Design & Build Awards, Shih-I Chou tells us more about the company and the key to one of China’s best large-scale commercial design & architecture firm’s success. S WOWA “We are confident in what we are good at in designing landmark mixed use projects and supertall, and several of our projects are getting to be completely constructed mid this year, which we can’t wait to see. Additionally, we are also expanding our design building typologies to civil field including football stadium and museums. We are always excited and positive to embrace new challenges that we can accompany with our growth. “Ultimately, we will continue to stay very positive about the future of new design and project performance in the long run.” Contact: Shih-I Chou Company: WOWA Web Address: Hengqin Chinese Media Center