Design & Build 2021

20 BUILD Design & Build 2021 13 Q1 2022 BUILD The Future of Automation in Construction Having made a name for itself as the ‘Leading Cloud-Based Construction Software Specialising in Health and Safety Management’ in 2021 for York, Paperless Construction is a company taking the construction industry online. Essentially, it wishes to streamline its client’s operations, trimming down the unnecessary processes that add time and cost inefficiency onto a job and replacing them with automated systems that work quickly, efficiently, and without the margin of human error. aperless Construction, a company that was born out of the founder’s desire to streamline the health and safety at work – or HSE – experience by digitising it, has since grown into something that serves the entire industry in a myriad of different ways. Fundamentally, it offers cloud-based construction, health, and safety software to allow its clients to manage all of their training, compliance, time, and attendance needs seamlessly at every turn, realising the many benefits of such a system early on. Paperless Construction has since made a name for itself by cutting the time spent on safety and compliance by nearly 300% for its clients, with the aim of achieving a 10x reduction in the coming years through use of automation, innovation, and the new technology being brought into the market. It has seen many changes and fluctuations in its industry over the years. One such change – one that became especially poignant during the last 18 months – has been the resources shortage facing the entire construction sector and every professional therein. In the coming years, this is something that Paperless Construction forecasts will remain a challenge, especially with a growing demand of projects and housing in the pipeline. Since the pressure on the construction, design, and build industry is on an exponential rise at present, Paperless Construction wishes to be the company ensuring its industry can rise to meet it head-on without the bloatware often so common in these processes. Thus, it has been automating its industry’s work as much as possible, removing wasteful manual processes that take up the P Oct21369 time of the professionals who could be funnelling their energy into something far more productive, as well as negating some of the risk of manual human error. Critically, it wishes to improve efficiencies by 20% across a business for every client. This is what has made it such a household name in its industry, as every client who benefits from its services emerges with working processes that are far more streamlined and a staff who can rework the priorities of their workday to great effect. Paperless Construction’s automation, remote, paperless shift is heralding in a new era of efficiency for the construction industry in the macro scale. It is also, in essence, proud of the way that its clients can put their utmost faith and trust in it at every turn to be working for the eventual success of the customer’s company, allowing that 20% improvement to be directly moved into 20% more time dedicated towards building and project developing with the same resources. Consequentially, its work is a masterclass in showing an industry how sustainable business practices are the way forward; not just for 2022, but for the future in a broader sense, further showing this with its ‘give back’ scheme of planting 1 tree for every demo and new project. Company: Paperless Construction Contact: Raymond Castelyn Website: