Design & Build 2021

BUILD Design & Build 2021 3842 BUILD Q4 2021 Aug21533 Giving Back to Nature TrustMgt is one of the leading open space management companies in the UK, founded on the principle of giving back to nature. Caring about the environment in which it works, it strives to create welcoming habitats that support local wildlife and encourage nature back into areas impacted by construction. In recognition of its dedication to the cause, BUILD magazine has awarded the company Most Outstanding Open Space Management and Maintenance Company 2021. TrustMgt provides a dedicated and sustainable approach to the long-term management, maintenance and monitoring (MMM) of public open spaces and their associated features on either existing legacy sites or new developments, supporting a large number of the top 25 PLC residential house builders together with many independent developers. It also works closely with a number of partnerships, joint venture and consortiums to aid delivery of larger strategic sites. These are often mixed tenure developments with Open Market, Private Rental Sector and RSL represented together with Homes England. TrustMgt aims to offer bespoke services that meet the individual requirements of clients during the development stage, and then its residential customers’ needs and expectations throughout the lifecycle of the project. This is achieved via either the company’s Resident Funded Scheme (RFS), whereby each plot contributes toward the MMM of the public open space associated with their development, or via its Private Transfer (PT) which allows areas of the developer’s legacy land and ongoing liability to be privately adopted by TrustMgt via a commuted sum, allowing it to take on all future liabilities in perpetuity. At the foundation of TrustMgt’s work, success and continued growth are its key principles of continually reviewing, monitoring and improving the way it cares for the open spaces it manages; being committed to improving the habitats within its managed areas, for the benefit of the local community and the wildlife it supports; and implementing a sustainable long-term approach to the financing of public open space maintenance in perpetuity. These principles are common throughout the business, from the board of directors and minor team to its trainees, graduates and apprentices, all of whom are at the heart of everything it does as a business. This is all with the ultimate vision of enhancing the local community by living through its devoted and masterful approach to the management and maintenance of public open spaces. TrustMgt is always striving for continuous improvement as the business continues to grow and it recognises the need to be flexible to meet clients’ specific needs and expectations. The company has been able to adapt to changes in the industry with Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) being a key focus, an approach to development that preserves biodiversity, resulting in a thriving and improved environment. The company aims to provide a positive gain throughout the developments that it manages, by conserving and enhancing nature and embracing sustainable practices across all its open spaces for the long-term benefit of local residents and the T wildlife it supports. Its grounds maintenance teams are actively encouraged to embrace sustainable practices, whilst being flexible and adaptable to new legislations for initiatives. TrustMgt has recently launched a business initiative where it can support clients with their BNG on both new and existing legacy sites. Through its pilot test of established public open space, it is able to identify further gains on existing developments that can add additional units to its clients’ Habitat Banks for offsetting on future sites. TrustMgt believes that by doing the right thing on the open spaces it manages, understanding its customer and proving an ear for any issues or concerns they may have regarding the POS, it is able to achieve a 97% customer satisfaction. Its long-term strategy is to provide a sustainable, cost-effective solution not only for the day-to-day managing of green spaces but providing essential customer care support to new and existing residents. With in-depth knowledge and expertise across the business, TrustMgt’s people are able to effectively support and manage all the diverse habitats commonly found on new and existing residential developments, including Great Crested Newt