Design & Build 2021

41 Design & Build 2021 BUILD Q3 2021 BUILD 31 to grow after a client sees qualified carpenters, plumbers and electricians working in their homes.” Over the years, various businesses have popped up in the industry, however, Harth Builders has stood the test of time and proven to be a reputable, reliable and factually outstanding company. It’s place in the industry is planted firmly, and without a doubt, will continue to accomplish all that is has planned and much more besides. Web Address: Contact Email: [email protected] However, struggles do not come without reward, especially in a thriving industry, led by one of the best in business. The future of Harth Builders is prominent and not without a firm focus. Gregory states, “We are planning to open a Selections Centre in Fort Washington to make it easier for our clients to make decisions under one roof, so to speak. This should be open Fall of 2021 and allow us to make our clients’ time much more efficient.” Gregory continues, “Not only have the large projects fuelled our backlog, but we opened up a small work division (Harth Homes Services), to help clients with the little projects that they cannot find qualified craftsman or tradespeople to do. These types of projects are mainly time and material based, and to help reduce the costs to clients, we focus on the actual time spent working and are very fluid and flexible. This has proven great to the company as these projects tend