Design & Build 2021

45 Design & Build 2021 BUILD 43 Q3 2021 BUILD Jun21236 Invest in Success! When it comes to creating stunning design, the need to find money is core. The team behind Northern Property Partners are investors who make things happen, which is why they have been named Leading Property Experts, West Yorkshire, 2021 in BUILD’s ongoing series of Design and Build Awards. We take a closer look at the financial support that keeps the industry ticking over to find out more. hen Northern Property Partners was created, it was with the needs of investors at its core. The team’s passion is helping investors of all sorts to invest in the UK’s lucative property market. Some businesses focus on specific investors, but the team at Northern Property Partners focus on the field of property exclusively. This means that anyone can use their services, no matter where they are in their property journey. As a keen team of investors themselves, it’s little wonder that the Northern Property Partners crew has been able to achieve such success. They understand the challenges and nuances of the industry well and can see what issues arise as a person or organisation tries to grow a portfolio. Thanks to their team of experts, who have experience at every level of investment, Northern Property Partners are able to assist with every step of the investment journey, from sourcing high yielding deals, to renovating and dressing the property so it can make the highest possible return. The team’s services are offered to clients all around the world, with property acting as one of the best and most secure investment opportunities for many. The turnkey nature of what is on offer means that even the most experienced investors can access their services and benefit enormously. Often, they have made good money elsewhere in life and want to grow their future wealth through property. The team’s adaptability makes them the ideal partners for these people. To ensure that everyone is treated with the care and attention they deserve, Northern Property Partners values integrity, investment and family first and foremost. Every decision that is made revolves around ensuring that these values are never lacking. This means that investment doesn’t just mean in terms of property, but in terms of how an individual grows. Northern Property Partners has a structure which W takes the time to invest in the people who work for them. The staffing of Northern Property Partners is designed to ensure that the business is able to operate at an incredibly high standard. Currently, the construction and refurbishment industry is extremely busy and some material prices are increasing quite significantly. There has been a need to scale the refurbishment side of the business to meet the demand, which as been quite difficult. That said, the pandemic has proven without doubt that property is the safest place for their money long term. Over the last few years, Northern Property Partners has been leading the pack when it comes to investment, with 2021 seeing serious reinvestment into the way in which the business works in terms of infrastructure and staffing. The team are most excited about their new CRM system, which will enable clients to see the progress of their projects and have one place for all their investment information and data. Decisions like these really add to making the client experience more enjoyable for everyone. Few can argue with the success of Northern Property Partners, with the team’s focus on the industry allowing them to thrive in even the most difficult of times. When it comes to investment, this is a team that always knows where the money is. Company: Northern Property Partners Name: Sian Partridge Email: [email protected] Web Address: