Design & Build 2021

BUILD Design & Build 2021 5218 BUILD Q3 2021 May21820 Business. Property. Wealth. Paul McFadden is a renowned and respected property and business coach. As a success-ful entrepreneur and authority on wealth creation, Paul’s ongoing mission is in support-ing others in developing their own wealth through property and business. His Glasgow-based company, Paul McFadden Wealth has been recognised by BUILD magazine with the Award for Excellence in Real Estate, Scotland – 2021, so we explore Paul’s career and how his company can help those who are looking to get started in UK property or to accelerate their existing business. fter a difficult start in life, growing up in a single parent household with little to no financial resources, Paul McFadden discovered that a lack of resources was less important than an atti-tude of resourcefulness, coupled with a strong mindset of possibility and good old hard work. With no personal funds, experience or track record, Paul built a multi-million pound portfolio, has bought and flipped millions of pounds worth of property, and has packaged and traded tens of millions of pounds worth of property deals to investors, as well as being responsible for helping many others (including wellknown people within the industry) go full-time in property. Whether through his free online resources, or by helping to transform fortunes in property and business through coaching, training or mentoring, Paul hopes to help individuals live a full expression of themselves and discover their own power and capabilities. The staff - Team PMW - are guided by three core values of impact, growth and excellence. Everything it seeks or does, the services it provides, and the clients it works with, is done with the intention and target of making an impact. It continually seeks to find areas and opportunities for growth within the company and for its clients and their success. Excellence is the key word that is focused on for all its service, communications and delivery. The team is mostly made up of very young, talented people with a life-long-learning attitude, and they are incredibly resourceful and creative at thinking on their feet and reacting to in-tense, fast-changing situations. They are completely essential to the success that the company has enjoyed, and the success that its clients share in. Paul’s best-selling books “Your Property Jumpstart”, “Property Success Mindset” and “Prop-erty Sourcing Blueprint” continually bring fantastic clients from a diverse range of back-grounds all over the UK, Ireland, other Western European countries, and even the Middle East, who are looking to work A with the company and learn from it in all areas of property, investing and business. From clients in their early 20s whom are able to get a fantastic standing in their entrepreneuri-al life, to clients in their middle and later ages able to either switch careers or investment paths, or learn strategies and tactics that accelerate their current business and investments even further. Clients that go through the company’s flagship programme, “Property Protege” go on to be-come long-time members of The Tribe, its community of clients that work with it and with each other on every range of property project possible. The pandemic that hit everyone ensured that PMW’s resourcefulness was tested and it was able to continue to serve its clients with excellence through a host of online delivery methods. Pandemic aside, the property, investing and business fields are constantly changing on legal, regulatory and market fronts. Laws, compliance, building standards, planning regulations, and finance products. All in a constant state of flux. But challenges that PMW constantly face head-on, leading to continued growth and excellence. As well as running all of its services and education programmes for its clients, PMW also ex-cels in bringing major players to the business market, such as bringing Grant Cardone over from the US for his debut UK tour through London, Cardiff and Glasgow in 2018. This two-yearly cycle of major events hosting was interrupted in 2020. So, the company can’t wait to bring its next major venture to the UK business world. Company: Paul McFadden Wealth Contact: Team PMW Email: [email protected] Website: