Design & Build 2021

55 Design & Build 2021 BUILD 31 Q3 2021 BUILD Strengthening the Foundations of the Construction Industry Being the ‘Leading Construction Consultancy’ for London in 2021 is an accolade that Chelsea Construction Consultancy has earned through hard work and perseverance. Able to plug a gap in the market and help its clients onward to great heights, ensuring that each of their projects runs smoothly and is wholly successful, its efforts have not gone unnoticed in its industry at large – as proven by the current exponential path to future growth it has set itself on. company that has proven proficient across a number of different specialisms and capabilities, Chelsea Construction Consultancy is a consultation firm working hard to consistently deliver top of the line services. From project management to quantity surveying, planning, design, expert witness, adjudication, and more, it actively gets involved in dispute resolution and helps its clients to resolve problems and challenges so that they can move forward with the projects that matter most to them. Fundamentally, this has earned Chelsea Construction Consultancy a reputation for dependability that its clients have come to expect. Furthermore, its expansive portfolio accurately shows how it works on large and mixed-use developments; it has plied its trade in order to aid the creation of commercial, residential, and infrastructure projects across a myriad of scales and end goals, forever expanding this so that it can serve yet more elements of its market segment. In tandem with this, its efforts have allowed it to become an increasingly active participant in its industry, enough to allow it to carve out its place as a front runner in construction consultancy work. This above all has been the catalyst to garnering both attention and work with numerous new projects awarded to it on a consistent basis. They are working on infrastructure projects such as across the new HS2 route and on the new Thames Tideway super sewer in London, as well as providing adjudication and expert support A May21559 services for some of the largest developments in London and the South-East – all the while working with developers, main contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers – and becoming well known for its unique way of working. Moreover, whilst many of its competitors are fee-based and seek only to provide personnel that set foot onsite a couple times a week, Chelsea Construction Consultancy is dedicated to putting the best and most expert individuals on the ground whenever and wherever a client may need. In this way, it hires the most leading minds in its field, ensuring it always charges fairly for the breadth of experience held by the consultant in question. Furthermore, when it comes to one of Chelsea Construction Consultancy’s consultants, a client can always trust that they will be amongst the most knowledgeable and well trained, with in depth knowledge of risks, management protocol, cost assessment, and mutual beneficially work. Chelsea Construction Consultancy is not interested in upselling its client; it is interested in making itself a partner to their success. First and foremost, this consultancy firm is one that puts the client’s success at the forefront of its mind throughout its work, consistently striving to ensure that the project will go off without a hitch and flow seamlessly through to completion. Therefore, it seeks people who are genuinely passionate about construction and in making this happen for its clients when it hires new people. For Chelsea Construction Consultancy, its staff are what make it such an exemplary firm, as well as the diligence and professionalism of its organisation, and it has formed a culture of exemplary problem solvers and team players. The majority of its staff are long standing principal contractor trained individuals, who have held senior level roles on large projects, most of whom have over 15 years of documentable industry experience – it is thanks to a team as great as this that Chelsea Construction Consultancy is expanding whilst others are downsizing. Consequentially, with competitors dwindling and the volume of projects in its area only growing, it forecasts that its current growth spurt will not be slowing down anytime soon, excited to work on more builds such as high rise buildings for new and existing clients, as well as more in the way of large infrastructure work. Company: Chelsea Construction Consultancy Contact: Phillip Jeffers Website: