2021 Eco Excellence Awards

Eco Excellence Awards 2021 BUILD 7 its scrupulously developed processes, it has been able to pull through and maintain its diverse and honest business model, catering for all clients from domestic households to small shops, large industrial units, and multi-site tenders. Nowadays, just like prior to and during the pandemic, it is able to provide a hassle-free way to compare energy tariffs and products from a full range of over 30 different energy suppliers, each of whom it has built strong relationships with. Additionally, its experience has also made it a well-known figure to these tariff providers. Enabling it to be able to negotiate and arrange the most cost-effective solution for its clients at every turn, it will look into everything from the price to the product, and even the intricate details of the supplier such as contact details and more. This process gives it the cutting edge that so many clients have come to see as their ‘secret weapon’ in a world where energy as a resource is already fraught. Knowing this, Pure Energy Solutions is more determined than every to keep giving back to the community, having spent pre-covid and early lockdown doing what it could to support a number of charities providing community investment in a region harshly impacted by fuel poverty. Moreover, with increasing market pressures, it is looking forward to further increasing solar technology and other renewable energy solutions into its standard offerings. Fighting misconceptions about these energy solutions is one of its most important passion projects, and it is also bucking the trend of the consultancy ‘broker’ environment being one of volatility, pressure, and insurmountable stress, instead making itself a calm, friendly, and welcoming working environment. After all, for a team to be able to offer their best work to the customers, they must first be allowed to work in environments conducive to this outcome. It will be holding this close as it continues its growth spurt, looking forward to diversifying an ever-changing industry and leading it into a greener future. Company: Pure Energy Solutions Contact: Steve Ashcroft Website: pureenergysolutions.co.uk