2021 Eco Excellence Awards

Eco Excellence Awards 2021 BUILD 9 With over two centuries of industry experience, Nucor Buildings Group is certain to stand out from the crowd. Its vast array of industry knowledge has benefitted the company as energy code requirements have become increasingly complex throughout North America; it has adapted so that it can provide customers with higher R-values and lower U-factors. What’s more, to help its builders navigate such complex codes, it provides a dedicated Energy Code Team that understands energy codes inside and out. Nucor Buildings Group continues to invest in new products and capabilities, which further pushes the company ahead of its competitors. Another notable advantage to the company’s products is the ability for our buildings to achieve LEED® certifications. USGBC’s LEED® system is the premier programme for rating the design, construction, and operation of green buildings. LEED® certified buildings are filled with enormous benefits to buyers, residential or otherwise, as they are vastly more energy efficient, reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, and contribute to a healthier environment. Multiple Nucor Buildings Group projects are capabable of obtaining such certifications, gaining points for their green roofs, solar heating, insulation systems, as well as wall and roof panel systems utilizing cool color coatings. As the Covid-19 pandemic ravaged the globe, many businesses succumbed to its wrath, falling into economic struggles and staff shortages. However, Nucor Buildings Group sustained itself, climbing to greater success. Through creating innovative ways to continue to serve its customers, it was able to continue providing premium quality steel to customers and stay ahead of the rapidly shifting demands of the market. The future certainly looks to be action-packed for Nucor Buildings Group, as it continues to create sustainable products. The Nucor Corporation announced comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies that will lower its GHG emissions intensity of steel mills to 77% less than today’s global steelmaking average. In addition to this, the company has a carbon intensity less than one- third of today’s world average, which places the company 18 years ahead of the below 2-degrees target. Therefore, going forward, Nucor Buildings Group has committed itself to creating a greener future – not just for itself, but its customers, and the industry. Contact: Kimberly Imm Company: Nucor Buildings Group Web Address: https://www.nucorbuildingsgroup.com/