Facilities Management Awards 2023

Facilities Management Awards 2023 BUILD 21 May23342 uilding envelope restoration can be a complex undertaking. A building’s envelope, which comprises the roof, walls, windows, and foundation, is the primary barrier, safeguarding the structure and its occupants from external elements. Restoring these critical components is no small feat. A thorough understanding of historical construction methods, material compatibility, and modern building codes is needed to strike a balance between preserving the building’s architectural integrity and implementing sustainable, energy-efficient solutions. Hidden problems such as water infiltration, decay, and structural issues are often identified once work has already begun and can create further challenges. Meticulous planning, expert knowledge, and a keen eye for detail are indispensable to ensuring that restoration delivers the desired results. Clane Restoration specialises in building envelope, podium deck and parking garage repairs and restoration. The company’s clients include condominium corporations and clients in the industrial, commercial, and institutional sectors. Since its early days, Clane Restoration has been instrumental in defining effective methodologies and practices in the sector. Dritan tells us, “Within the facilities management space, we focus on restoring the structural integrity of the building to its original function. And we’ve been able to use our expertise to restore heritage buildings. We’ve seen a marked increase in clients wanting to create green spaces in areas such as terraces and roofs. We specialise in the structural rehabilitation of buildings that allow that to happen safely.” Clane Restoration recently worked with ERA Architects on the renovation and restoration of an iconic post-war building at 35 Walmer Road in Toronto. The project included upgrading the deteriorated concrete, landscaping, and podium deck rehabilitation. The company was also called upon to restore a terrace earmarked as green space on the 6th floor of Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children on Elm Street. Dritan explains more, “The area is a playground for the children. Minimising disruption to the occupants of the building was key. We’re proud that we were able to deliver without any major impact on day-to-day operations.” Having a full understanding of every client’s needs is central to the ethos at Clane Restoration. Dritan says, “We’re the go-to restoration contractor because we take the time to understand what our clients want and need. We’re always looking for ways to bring added value to our stakeholders. Our quality of work has shown its merit time after time. We stay competitive by embracing technology and using it as a tool to improve our internal processes. This means we can spend more time with our clients.” Rolling out continual process improvement initiatives, Clane Restoration uses software backed by Six Sigma and Lean methodologies. The company has also achieved the prestigious COR designation, a testament to its commitment to site safety. Another priority for Clane Restoration is diversity, which the company embraces as part of its internal culture. Dritan says, “For us, diversity, whether cultural, educational, political, or gender-related, brings a positive impact to our organisation. Having a diverse workforce fosters an environment of creativity and innovation.” To find out more about Clane Restoration, or to see examples of the company’s work, please visit the website. Contact: Dritan Gjinali Company: Clane Restoration Inc. Web Address: https://clanerestoration.com/ B Founded in 1978, Clane Restoration was one of the very first building restoration companies in the Greater Toronto area. Committed to delivering services to the highest quality standards, the company is a trusted partner of organisations across a variety of sectors and industries. We talk to the President, Dritan Gjinali, to find out more about the company’s values and the services it offers. Building Restoration Contractors of the Year 2023 - Ontario