Facilities Management Awards 2024

9 By diagnosing repairs accurately every time, the property management firm is afforded savings in both time and the money, whilst the resident is left entirely satisfied with how quickly and effectively things are handled. A win-win situation for all, this solution is further distinguished for its unique customisation abilities, flexibility, and superior functionality. Offering up many of the same benefits, Keyfax Enquiries Diagnostics is a similar solution for all other tenant enquiries not related to repairs. It enables both the tenant and the customer service advisor to understand exactly what is needed and provide the necessary assistance. A solution that is easy to implement and introduce across existing in-house teams, Keyfax Enquiries Diagnostics can handle everything from antisocial behaviour and noise complaints to illegal parking, fly tipping, or even renting garage space. Another notable technology pioneered by Omfax allows tenants to use the company’s Keyfax Repairs Self Service and Keyfax Enquiries Self Service solutions. Through a mobile friendly portal interface, these enable tenants and leaseholders to diagnose any repairs or a general housing enquiry directly themselves. Both options are offered through an online, cost-effective service that is available 24/7, with access being as easy as utilising any smart device to connect to the internet and view a myriad of direct support options. Both online solutions offer unparalleled flexibility for tenants, who can carry out enquiries at a time that suits them, as well as reducing the cost of having manned customer service desks, freeing up the availability of phone lines for the people that truly need them in the process. Omfax is also pleased to customise these solutions to offer a quick and seamless integration, including the customers own branding. Something that is corroborated by the 50+ social housing providers that the business already works with across the country. Other services that the company offers are largely based around training and consultancy, including diagnostic script development, and script administrator training. As well as online e-learning with Effective housing repairs training and support with integration and the technical side of its solutions. Each of these services combine to create a product suite that was crafted specifically for responding swiftly and accurately to the numerous challenges that social housing organisations face. As a fully independent company, Omfax can serve the needs of landlords and residents equally, a feat that is aided immeasurably by it having an expert team on hand that possess the necessary expertise and customer service commitment to deliver such excellence. These are far from the only reasons why its customers choose Keyfax for their solutions however, as Keyfax offers a user-friendly interface, outof-the-box integration, and comprehensive reporting capabilities, all in one simple, exemplary package. Whether a client is a housing association specifically or an arms-length management organisation (ALMO), which is essentially a non-profit organisation that offers such housing services on a local authority’s behalf, the team here are continuing to aim for the gold standard for customer service quality in these spaces. This is reflected further in the numerous case studies that Omfax has published, with each of these representing just a slice of the mastery that it is has demonstrated over the past 35 years. One example of this is a project carried out with Hastoe Housing Association, a company that owns and manages approximately 7,500 properties across Southern England. Supporting communities and those in need through its affordable and sustainable housing, it was 2020 that this company first reached out to Omfax, in search of support moving their existing Keyfax solutions to new IT servers following a total infrastructure overhaul. Using Keyfax Repairs Self Service as one of its premier offerings, Hastoe presents residents with an online portal where they can manage their property holistically, including paying rent, making a complaint, or reporting a repair. From the outset of this redevelopment project, Omfax worked closely with the Hastoe team to ensure that this portal reflected the design of the latter company’s website, using identical colours, fonts, and button layouts to ensure a seamless and uniform experience for residents. More recently in Spring 2024 Omfax worked well with the Orbit Housing team and with their housing management system providers to rebuild the diagnostic repairs scripts and to extend the integration with MIS ActiveH Housing Management System. The Orbit team said that they have been a pleasure to work with. Following the development and consultancy, both Orbit’s advisors and trainers have commented on how much easier the scripts are to use and how useful they find the interactive images. Effectively striking the balance between innovative technology and first-class customer service, the Keyfax software suite continues to serve as the benchmark for housing repair and enquiry software systems, improving customer contact centres and empowering tenants through online solutions simultaneously. Named as the Most Innovative Housing Repair Software Company 2024 – UK for its efforts, Omfax Systems Ltd uses its state-of-theart Keyfax technology to deliver unrivalled customer service and unprecedented efficiency.