February 2017

, Anthony DiGuiseppe, renowned architect and owner of DiGuiseppe Architect, tells us more about his company and howhe ensures client satisfaction each and every time. Ahead of the Curve DiGuiseppe Architect is primarily a design firm that specialises in providing full- service architectural interiors and procurement for hospitality, spa/wellness, multi- family and private residential clients. The firm has a small staff by design and has maintained that size throughout its 31 years in order to provide clients with the top-end talent of its principal, Anthony J. DiGuiseppe AIA RIBA. Anthony tells us more about the firm, its approach to clients and what sets it apart from the competition. “We come to the table with no preconceived images or ideas, instead we listen to our clients vision and needs and then strive to shape those visions into a reality. Many design firms tend to go on a riff, with no idea of cost or reality, and there is something to be said for no barriers and free uninhibited thinking, but what we do is, after hearing the program and needs, and seeing the spaces first hand, we develop a budget for the client to approve. We present it and, upon approval, design to that end cost, within reason. “Everyone touts their company as paying attention to detail and budget but few practice it on a regular basis. We design and procure the products for our clients, and have done so for the past 15 years. “I find that often many designer have their projects compromised by procurement agents, project managers and others who become part of the development team; thinking in an effort to save money for the client this and that can be taken out of the project and it will still be the same…. not true, and in the end the client unknowingly sees at the end this is not what he wanted nor envisioned. Therefore, we design with procurement, hand-in-hand, and that makes us unique. I don’t know any firms that do this, except one. When an item is bringing the overall budget higher we look to see what we can do with others to modulate it and still keep the vision and quality level high.” Within the wider industry, Anthony distributes his knowledge and experience by attending major industry conferences as a speaker. “I have spoken at the Lodging Conference, HD Expo, and the Global Spa and Wellness conferences in many countries,” he comments. “I am known in the hospitality industry for boutique hotel design and spa design, and have written articles about these subjects. We strive to have our projects published and, to that end, we have had our projects featured in publications such as Interior Design, Boutique Design, Hospitality Design, American Spa and British Spa Design. In addition to our web site we also employ social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. “Our aim is to continue to establish ourselves in the industry as an innovator of ideas and champion of our clients’ goals, as a team player. We do that by looking for new products and how to use them in new ways, keeping a keen eye on the progress of the projects and being always aware of how we can achieve savings with quality for our clients.” The firm is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to ensure its success, and Anthony explains that he does this by looking for unique projects to undertake. “We look for innovative projects and services to work into our projects by meeting with vendors in our offices, going to trade and design shows, not only for furnishings, but seeing what is going on in art, fashion, sculpture, jewellry, and the environment and how these sectors affect our daily lives.” Some of DiGuiseppe Architect’s most recent projects are ones in which it has translated the use of hospitality products into residential and multi-family projects, as well as bringing a residential feel into hospitality projects. “It is something I call ‘cross-dressing’ the design aesthetic,” laughs Anthony. “Projects in which we have applied this principal to are The Trump Soho Spa, the Artezen Hotel, a residential duplex in NYC, a 25-unit multi-family conversion in downtown Brooklyn, and a 418-unit multi- family, five building project in Aurora, just outside Chicago.” Anthony’s envisions the future of the industry changing shape, and is determined to ensure that the firm stays ahead of the curve to continue to ensure client satisfaction and, ultimately, overall success. But it isn’t all about the money, it’s about giving a little bit back. “For the foreseeable future I see more of the same for 2017, plus the expansion of the spa and multi-family sector, as well as increased projects in historical renovations and adaptive re-use. This will require more social media attention, more personalised meetings and attendance at conferences for developers, and industry leaders. “We also plan to devote a segment of time to non-profit and community action teaching to inner city high school students and volunteering time to historic preservation efforts.” K Company: DiGuiseppe Name: Anthony J. DiGuiseppe AIA RIBA Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.diguiseppe.com Address: 1385 York Ave, Suite 3A, New York, NY 10021 Telephone: 212-439-9611 1702BU11 Architecture & Design

http://www.camerana.com/ http://www.modularize.co.uk/ http://www.diguiseppe.com/ http://www.johnanthonysigns.com/ http://www.onshorejupiter.com/