Home and Garden Awards 2020

2020 Home And Garden Awards BUILD 11 Jan20207 hroughout history, there has existed an undeniable and inseparable relationship between light and darkness, permeating almost every aspect of human life to this day. This ongoing dichotomy, harmony, and ultimate independence on one another has given rise to inventive individuals who seek to manipulate both elements in aesthetically adventurous and exciting ways. Lucedentro tells a new chapter in the ongoing narrative struggle between light and darkness, through its range of exceptional photoluminescence products. Photoluminescence is the distinctive physical property of rare and inorganic aluminates that are found in nature. These aluminates are able to capture, store, and reuse light, be it natural sunlight or artificial. Then, when night falls, they can gradually release the light into the darkness over a period of eight hours with decreasing intensity. In a home or garden space, this quality can lead to ethereal beauty radiating out at all times of the day and night. It is this ethereality that Lucedentro specialises in, working with landscape architects, municipalities, and regional parks to express the full potential of this extraordinary feature. Creating products that absorb and retain light from natural elements is no small feat, but one which Lucedentro approaches with a daily enthusiasm and eagerness. The firm’s technology makes it possible to potentially apply photoluminescent qualities to a near-unlimited variety of objects and surfaces. Whether it be fabrics, glass mosaic structures, or glass pebbles firmly entrenched in concrete surfaces, the firm’s photoluminescence can shine brightly in any space. Lucedentro’s method of applying carefully-selected pigments that are not perishable, toxic, or radioactive is not only fully compliant with the European Union’s regulations on basic chemical usage, but is also far more effective than the previously-used phosphorus. For a more detailed and in-depth examination of the chemical composition and properties of Lucedentro’s luminescent pigments, information can be found at the firm’s website, www.lucedentro.com Incorporating photoluminescence has now become easier than ever before, and its flexibility means that light can become an even more integral part of home and garden projects. Predominantly, Lucedentro’s offerings are aimed at emphasizing the emotionality of objects by bringing out their beauty in the dark. Everything from lamps and bottles, to glass and ceramics can be imbued with photoluminescence T Most Sustainable Urban Design Firm - Northern Italy The addition, or removal, of light can completely change a space, giving a new aesthetic dimension to an already exceptionally well-designed area. Founded in 2006, Lucedentro is an award-winning sustainable urban design firm in Northern Italy that seeks to offer photoluminescent applications across many areas of home and garden living. Join us as we shine a light on the richly-deserved success of Lucedentro. Lucedentro to give it that aforementioned ethereality. However, on top of the aesthetic quality that the firm’s services create, there is also a keen sense of safety that can be derived. During a blackout, for example, Lucedentro’s pigments can help clients make their way around a space safely without electrical support. A key issue that remains on the world’s agenda at the moment is that of climate change, and the need to be more energy-efficient in everyday life. Lucedentro seeks to address this need as well, ensuring that its own technology can help client save up to ninety percent of its energy consumption when compared to traditional electric systems. There isn’t an especially specific example of this, given that Lucedentro delivers this same services across private and public outdoor spaces such as gardens, terraces, plazas or sidewalks, as well as specific installations such as swimming pools, fountains, and more. Environmental sustainability is also key in this ongoing fight against climate change, so the firm prides itself on exclusively using natural materials whose production has a low impact on the environment. More than just an exceptional urban design firm, Lucedentro is a perfect example of creating unequivocal beauty through the medium of photoluminescence. This team, with its culture of sustainability and desire to deliver awe-inspiring aesthetics, continue to shine brightly as merchants of light. Contact Details Company: Lucedentro Contact: Luca Beltrame Website : www.lucedentro.com

http://www.al-murad.co.uk/ http://www.helplocks.com/ http://www.fittedwardrobes.com/ http://www.lucedentro.com/ http://www.lucedentro.com/ http://www.nwmaids.com/ http://www.customkit.co.nz/