Home and Garden Awards 2020

2020 Home And Garden Awards BUILD 29 Feb20379 house is made into a home by the people who live there. They are the ones who give it character and personality. They are the ones who bring it to life. Drawing this out of a property is the job of ACG Home Improvement, an Oklahoma-based firm that considers it a privilege to deliver the best version of what this could look like to every one of their clients. Everyone has something they want done to improve their home. It doesn’t matter if it’s as simple as swapping out the countertops or upgrading the floor of a garage or as complex as remodeling the entire kitchen, ACG Home Improvement is at your side throughout the process. With a talented team on hand to take control of the trickiest projects, clients can be assured of the height of quality at every step. Like all renovation projects, ACG Home Improvement begin with the design process. Every project is custom-made to suit the functional and aesthetic needs of a client. Some companies take a cookie- cutter approach to revamping a home, but the ACG team specialize in making unique spaces with the wow factor. Customized packages can be prepared for any room in the house, encompassing all the changes that someone might want to make, while allowing for people to function within it. ACG Home Improvement is able to tackle most aspects of the remodeling process in any area of the house to exact specifications. Remodeling can be a very complex process, especially when undertaken at a high-quality, detail-oriented level, so it pays to have a partner who clients can have alongside them throughout to guarantee every space is one of luxury. From the free initial consultation through to the final work-through and sign-off on a project, ACG Home Improvement stands with its clients, ensuring that they receive the homes of their dreams. All the work is undertaken by an internal team directly employed by ACG Home Improvement, except for those jobs which require specific licensing such as electrical work or engineering studies. This allows the team to work closely alongside clients on a daily basis, thereby ensuring a consistently high quality of work. ACG work tirelessly to ensure that nothing is compromised during the course of their work. A commitment to quality is always first and foremost. While some companies see cost and quality as mutually exclusive, ACG Home Improvement has found a way to put the two together. The design packages show the work that the team intends to A Home Improvements Company of the Year - Oklahoma The ideal home reflects its owner. It showcases them, their style and their way of life. Creating the dream home that manages these things effortlessly is a formidable challenge, and one best done alongside the experts. Enter ACG Home Improvement, a team of specialists with the experience to shine a light on individuals. We decided to shine a light on them, following their awards success. undertake as well as each part of the potential cost. This means that customers go into a project knowing exactly how much they will need to pay at the end of the process. This transparency really helps to make ACG Home Improvement an appealing prospect for those looking for a company to work with. Looking forward, the team at ACG Home Improvement are set to continue their amazing growth. A healthy order book shows the success that the company has been able to achieve in the last few years thanks to strong client focus and a dedication to the highest in quality. Contact Details Company: ACG Home Improvement Contact: Christophe Glibert Website: www.acghomeimprove.com

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