Home Builder Awards 2021

BUILD Home Builder Awards 2021 16 obust Developments is a building contractor working for others in its industry, striving to elevate the field as a whole and provide aid to developers and investors. It focuses on where there are opportunities for repeat business; positioning itself not just as a contractor, but as a contact that will become a trusted long-term business relation. In this way, it has forged strong bonds with other influential voices in its industry, helping a project to become as viable as possible with sublime engineering and intelligent cost analysis. Its expertise, if applied early on in a build, can assist in floor plan design to maximise the use of space, for example. This is an invaluable skill; especially for builds destined to be used by the commercial market, or even residential builds. In addition to making the most intuitive use of the space for the sake of the client, it also manages the project’s workflow, taking a project management role over the project to ensure that the processes it applies flow smoothly and works well with the project in question. The processes it uses during its project management allow it to keep a keen eye on specifications and finishes, adding due diligence to the drawing that formed the plans, such as architect or engineer drawings. By casting its expert eye over these materials, it can personally ensure a lack of error and this makes for minimal discrepancies and hold ups whilst on site. It strives in all things to keep the client at the centre of its operation, keeping a good flow of business and positioning itself as a valued partner in the development process, establishing it as a collaborator to its the client. This attitude towards client relations of not just working for, but working with them, allows for a personable and empathic understanding of their goals and stipulations. Robust Developments has applied this mindset to all its projects. Most recently, it had the chance to show this intuitive way of working when it built Alexa Apartments for a new developer who was struggling. Robust Developments helped this client and their architect to design flat spaces that were spatially intelligent and comfortable, improving the result by its expert handling of the project. A new project or challenge is invigorating to Robust Developments. Its team is ever keen to help its clients achieve the best builds and developments possible, and has the licensing to do so, adding its thoughts to the design and ensuring everything a buyer has asked for is present. It then looks to the budget, ensuring the project is fitting snuggly within it. Where appropriate, it will also make efforts to beat the budget; giving both the building companies it works with, Most Trusted New Homebuilder - South East England A construction company for the construction companies, Robust Development is a project management specialist with a firm voice and an expert hand. Its work within its sector has been elevating the standards of developments across the South East of England. R Jan21472 the buyer, and the end user value for money. Most importantly however, it will keep the overall health of the building at its heart. Robust developments will always step in when it feels a design can be bettered, reassuring its clients that it has the systems in place to handle problems with elegance, and working with the architects to improve their drawings. Crucially, its clients appreciate its refusal to settle for second best. In addition, by encouraging a team effort between itself and its clients, it fosters the best possible atmosphere for a project. Working to a client’s timescale and collaborating with them so that they can work within its timescale too, laying down timelines, goals, and good practice guidelines, are all things it sets out from the very beginning. This efficacy is what truly makes Robust Developments stand out from the crowd. Excellence in project management is not just useful; in the construction industry, it is necessary, and so having a contracted business on hand to help with that is indispensable. Of course, like all businesses, Covid-19 made for a tough year for Robust Developments. It has withstood this latest challenge however – and now, in 2021, it is looking forward to myriad of upcoming projects. Excited to be getting back into the swing of things, Robust Developments eagerly awaits the opportunities yet to come. Company: Robust Developments Contact: Hollie Hampton Website: https://www.robustdevelopments.com/