Home Builder Awards 2024

9 some of the finest stone-coated steel that the market has to offer, boasting a 50-year warranty. At 90 squares and inclusive of an air-conditioned bank consisting of five external units two stories in the air, this was no easy undertaking, but two weeks later when the work was finished, the client was overjoyed with the state of the completed project. This is just one example of the fantastic work carried out by the team every single day, and five simple steps are at the heart of ensuring that a high level of consistency is present when it comes to taking on new customers and completing projects to the best of their ability. Kicking off this process is the scheduling of an inspection, whereby the team will visit a property, understand exactly what it is that a client seeks to get out of using the company’s services, before assessing the current state of the roof. The second stage involves reviewing the project with a representative, before stage three sees the crew set about working out the best solution in collaboration with a client, and only then is the dotted line signed. Step number four is undoubtedly the best, with a client provided the opportunity to watch this team of professionals at work, and witness as the project transforms their home for the better, with a new roof that is sure to turn the heads of everybody that walks by, as well as a client’s neighbours. In fact, one of the primary ways that Trademark secures its customers is through them seeing the quality of the work firsthand, and upon realising how good their neighbour’s new roof looks, they make the decision to invest in their own, providing their home with a new lease on life. Tangent aside, the fifth and final step, writing a testimonial, is entirely optional, but customers are often so impressed that they happily share the experience. Referencing this method, Tristan tells us, “we provide a simple approach to a complicated problem. You can count on Trademark Roofing to be there every step of the way.” A holistic approach such as this has proven necessary in Tristan and the team establishing a firm hold in such a competitive industry, and as CEO, it is Tristan’s responsibility to manage the company’s tactics when it comes to standing out. This is a particular forte for Tristan, who focuses on all things company image, marketing, and business development. Providing a baseball analogy, he explains, “I enjoy being able to play all the positions on the field […] BUT, delivering when it counts is my speciality!” As for the specific methods he has adopted in order to achieve this, Tristan tells us, “when we are working with a customer, we [make a] list to establish the wants versus the needs. Based on the conversation we try to provide multiple solutions that fit within the established parameters.” He continues, “this approach puts the customer in control and allows us to be a guide. At the end of the day, we want to be the roofer of choice because of our expert craftsmanship and exceptional customer service, from first communication through final inspection.” Expanding further, he elaborates, “our technical knowledge, backed by our craftsmanship, furthers our customer’s confidence and gives them peace of mind.” Tristan is also well aware of the importance of consistency and seamlessness across the company’s services, and to this end, he personally takes responsibility for ensuring that a customer is kept in touch with a single point of contact across the entire project, with this cutting out all of the necessary re-explaining that has to be done when dealing with multiple people. Further bolstering this, a series of automated processes are in place whereby a customer is updated regularly every step of the way about progress, keeping them in the loop and further underpinning this emphasis on a seamless procedure. Working in the area that it does, the company is afforded a wealth of opportunities for the future, with these primarily revolving around Cape Coral’s status as one of the United States’ fastest-growing communities. Growth brings with it new people and new houses, and with new houses come new roofs. Looking ahead to the coming years, Tristan hopes to see more major project renovations, which challenge the team and keep them coming up with fresh and innovative solutions that serve to continually cement the company’s position at the forefront of this sector. Continued growth is expected, and numerous projects are in the pipeline, and while these cannot be disclosed just yet, the future sure looks bright. Ultimately, people select Trademark Roofing due to the five-star experiences that customers are provided with time and again, with a level of service to match that ensures all needs are taken care of and that a customer very much feels part of the project. Those in the community can enjoy the services of this hyperlocal company, with this too coming with its benefits, such as close proximity and a deep understanding of the architecture in the region. This local commitment is on display outside of the company’s services too, with it recently having sponsored the local theatre, helped to build a nearby church, and it constantly supports families in the area with special needs children. Such selfless acts, exemplary leadership, and fantastic roofing solutions have combined to result in Trademark Roofing and Tristan Starbird winning this duo of awards, and we congratulate them both on their prowess, not only in Florida, but also in the wider industry. In closing, CEO Tristan Starbird highlights the company’s distinction aptly, stating, “Trademark Roofing is much more than a roofing company, we are your neighbour who cares.” Contact: Tristan Starbird Company: Trademark Roofing Web Address: www.trademarkroofingllc.com