2018 Interior Design Awards
Build 2018 Interior Design Awards ID180008 “Since we work all over the globe, at J/Brice we have to be flexible, as client tastes vary from region to region. Motifs and palettes that are highly successful in one part of the globe may not translate as successfully elsewhere. I have been around the world more times than I could ever count, taking with my top tier designers who also embrace the immersion. We never stop studying our environment, asking our clients questions, and then studying what we find and learn so that the deign we create reflects the specificity of the task at hand. And this never gets old. “Alongside our focus on style, we understand that incorporating technology in design is paramount in today’s ever advancing world. Being mindful that today’s technological advances can be surpassed tomorrow, it is essential that trends in technology are recognized in advance, and anticipated as the design develops. Equally important is to design with the knowledge that the changing face of technology will change how it is incorporated into a concept. This is something we always strive to achieve in every project we undertake.” As with any client facing industry, in hospitality design having a strong, dependable team is vital to success. As such, Jeffrey is eager to praise his staff and explain how they work together to create stunning, unique designs. “To support our clients around the world, J/Brice has been a multicultural melting pot since our beginnings in the late 1980’s. Our boutique firm has easily had designers from every corner of the globe bringing a different personal history to the charrette. I look for passion when interviewing. Skills can be honed, and horizons broadened, courage can be instilled, but a lack of initiative usually cannot be overcome. My senior designers all share my belief that the right candidate, regardless of the specifics of academic background, can be mentored and become a valuable asset. “Our commitment to highly personalized, well thought out design strategies and strong intrapersonal relationships within the team are a key component to our strength. Additionally, we are also known for exceptionally personalized service to our clients. We had several groups that have commissioned us consistently for over 20 years, and add new ones as we go. We approach the responsibilities of our job very seriously, but do it in team, oriented and amicable fashion. You can be highly professional and impressive with a client while demonstrating familial sensibilities at the same time. All things being equal, design is very subjective. Fundamentally, the designer/ client relationship for projects of our scope is a marriage of sorts, lasting many month and often years. There are intuitive communications that take place when a developer is considering a design team, and these cannot be anticipated, nor should they be answered in reactive manner just to be awarded the project.” This collaborate, supportive approach extends beyond J/Brice’s internal culture, as Jeffrey often contributes to the wider design industry’s knowledge by sharing his expertise through written and spoken contributions, which he discusses in more detail. “As a result of establishing a forward way to address hospitality design, I have been asked to share my thoughts and perspectives at many conferences, which I thoroughly enjoy. I have been a guest lecturer throughout the Middle East, Europe and North America, and was the first American named keynote Sky Bridge, Grand Deluxe Suite
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