July 2017

6 BUILD / July 2017 , Flying High Sebastien Jodeau of Ultra Airport Systems talks to BuildMagazine about the firmand, it’s equation for success and the industry as a whole. Ultra Airport Systems is a global provider of aviation software solutions. Over 75% of air travellers fly through airports served by Ultra’s solutions, which are used by over 100 airlines and 150 airports worldwide. Sebastien Jodeau tells us more about the products that the firm specialises in. “Our constantly evolving suite of products covers almost every airport and airline process, including operational performance, baggage management and passenger processing. Our systems are highly flexible, helping to shape our customers’ business and plans for the future; many of our customer relationships have lasted for more than 30 years.” Ultra is consistently selected by the world’s best airports and airlines to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Sebastien explains what approach the company uses to get the best results ever time. “Ultra ensures all the staff nominated to deliver the projects are experienced professionals with a high level of familiarity of airport environments. From the Project Manager and Lead Solution Architect to the installation engineers, trainers and support staff, Ultra’s personnel bring a wealth of detailed knowledge, experience and understanding of airport and airline processes. “For example, every one of Ultra’s Project Managers are Prince 2 Practitioners and are extremely experienced at delivering diverse, high value projects into airport environments. Therefore our customers can trust their implementation will be in a ‘Safe Pair of Hands’. “Ultra also has a well-established process for the formal identification and management of risk which is followed globally on all our implementations. We believe the identification and effective management of risk is vital to the effective running of a project and has significantly contributed to our record of successful project and service delivery.” Ultra aims to stay at the forefront of the industry for all our products. Through its engagement with customers, industry bodies and even competitors, the firm can drive both its products and also the industry as a whole forward. “Ultra’s strategy, and the roadmap that results from this strategy, is based around four key streams,” states Sebastien. “Customer engagement isprobably the most important facet of strategic thinking.. Engagement with existing customers is vital if we are to ensure our products continue to deliver exactly what customers require in order to improve their operations. “Industry initiatives are another vital input to the overall strategy. Ultra is involved with many industry initiatives, and in particular, is an active IATA strategic partner. Through regular attendance at the IATA Working groups and ACI events, Ultra gets early sight of new initiatives and directives and, importantly, can influence resolutions and recommended practices to ensure they are realistic and achievable. “Market intelligence is a broad familiarity of the industry. It is also a key factor in driving a strategy that strikes the right balance between innovation and practicality. Ultra’s experienced team use their contacts and knowledge of the global aviation industry to great effect. Magazine articles, press releases and even coffee-break conversations with other industry experts can help to drive an initiative in the right direction. “Technology choices are the final aspect of a solid strategy and is to understand the technology underpinning the products. Initiatives such as A-CDM, and Electronic Bag Tags are high on IATA’s agenda and it is important to ensure the infrastructure on which our solutions are deployed remain capable of supporting these technologies.” Ultra has always been a name that is synonymous with innovation within the air traffic industry, as Sebastien enthuses. “Ultra was the first to introduce Baggage Management Systems, the first to deliver an AODB, the first to implement an airport specific Integration Broker, the list goes on… “Our innovation is driven through a continuous improvement programme, which ensures our customers are aligned with the industries’ key business drivers and we have solutions available that are specifically designed to underpin customer growth and operational excellence. “To complement this improvement programme, we have developed the ‘Ultra Equation’ . Its focus is to help ensure airports achieve the maximum potential of their technology and infrastructure and provide them with a path to heightened efficiency.” The Ultra Equation is based on the principles that a successful airport needs to have insight, agility and vision, to deliver optimal growth and maximise return on investment. The equation addresses these items in the following manner: • Insight is enhanced by Ultra’s Observation software, with its comprehensive, real-time account of airport operations. • Agility is supported by Ultra’s Response software, which increases a team’s awareness and task-focus, so ensuring organisational effectiveness in cases of unanticipated change. • Vision is promoted by Ultra’s Analysis software, which clarifies success and failure patterns, enabling specific course corrections and strategic innovations. • Growth Ultra’s technology and expertise is specifically designed to promote the Evolution of a customer’s business, driving the best decisions for investment and implementing managed change 1702BU03

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