BUILD Q1 2019

Build Q1 2019 14 ince inception, the team at Märraum love a challenge. Whether it is a restored townhouse or a contemporary new build in a stunning location, the firm like nothing more than designing, building and managing projects. Through their years of experience and layers of knowledge, Märraum have stayed constantly curious. As a result, the team can ground eye-opening design in reality, and create a space that fits the way their clients want to live. Adam begins by explaining the areas which the firm specialises in. “Here at Märraum, we like to emphasise teamwork. Inclusion from every person on each project ensures that we continue to push ourselves and encourage collaborative thinking. From extensions and conversions, through to new builds and commercial premises, we pride ourselves on being the first Architects in Cornwall using the latest in 3D virtual reality (VR) software to bring our creations to life, giving the client the ability to ‘walk through’ their future dream home before a single brick is laid. “VR is about more than helping people to experience space beyond the drawing board. By incorporating VR into the way that we work, it enables them to remove uncertainties from the build, revealing all of the intrica- cies of space in a way that clients and collaborators can relate to – so that everyone feels more involved in the process. “Nearly everyone who has used the equipment has been blown away - even the sceptics who understand architectural plans and think it’s just a gimmick have been won over. It adds to a client’s experience, as they can physically walk into their house, lean over the balcony or stand at the kitchen sink to take in the view.” Whilst on the topic of clients, Adam informs us of the clients Märraum serves and how the team approach them. “The majority of the clients that we work with, are people who need their space to work hard for them and who are open to new ways of thinking about their home or commercial premises. “We approach all of our clients with the same welcome - we strive to create beautiful spaces that are a perfect fit for their lives. Be it a shiny new family home, small office extension or idyllic extension that maxim- ises a view across the Cornish coastline, we love the process of working with our clients to create these spaces where they will go on to create a lifetime of happy memories.” Enabling the firm to deliver such extraordinary creations, is the talented team which forms the backbone of Märraum. When discussing the in- Building Your Story of Space Märraum bring more to your space, taking your story beyond its walls. We caught up with Owner/ Director, Adam Laskey who provided us with a detailed insight into how the firm turns their innovative designs into reality. S ternal culture at Märraum, Adam is keen to highlight how the team work tirelessly to ensure that the clients receive the best possible service. “Our team are pretty key! We have a great array of skills and experi- ence. Everyone is valued - from the people responsible for background processes, to the ones doing the design and technical work. We have regular team days where we discuss strategies and processes combined with an exciting activity such as frisbee golf or Korean cooking.” Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, Adam signs off by envisioning the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for BUILD’s Archi- tect of the Year: Cornwall. “Moving forward, we are always excited to keep learning about updates within the VR technology we use and how this can improve our designs and client experiences. Technology such as BIMx that works alongside VR, enables us to give complete interactive packages to contractors and clients. Considering how this might evolve in the next 12 months is a very exciting thought.” Contact: Adam Laskey Company: Märraum Address: Studio J, Jubilee Warehouse, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 8AE, United Kingdom Telephone: 01326 617007 Website: