BUILD Q1 2019

Build Q1 2019 6 Nov18499 he architectural Studio of María Isabel Payer is based in Andalusia, Spain. After fifteen years in business, it has developed a vast quantity of work in all fields, approaching new buildings, rehabilitation, patrimony, research works and development plans. Since the firm’s inception, the company has carried out more than eight hundred and fifty projects involving all kinds of usages such as mainly single-family but also multi-family dwellings homes, clinics and hospitals, funeral homes, commercial, industrial, sport and administrative buildings among others, besides important research works about the industrial patrimony of Andalusia published recently in a book and profound restoration and recovery works of THE INDUSTRIAL PATRIMONY OF GUADIATO VALLEY REGION. In 2018 the European Association of Economy and Competitiveness rewarded her architectural Studio with the European Gold Medal for Work Merit. Creating Beautiful Spaces The architectural Studio of María Isabel Payer is based on Andalusia, Spain. Following the firm’s success in BUILD’s Design & Build Awards, we profiled María Isabel Payer to discover more about the innovative designs she creates for her clients. T Characteristics that Distinguish María Isabel Payer’s Work Maria Isabel responds to the necessities of each and every one of her customers by providing them with the best architectonic solutions. This is one of the reasons why her creations are remarkable; how starting from some previous constraints, she has achieved these architectural spaced which in their own execution acquire a wide value. On average, its works highlight as they project the spaces from the inner and to the open outside in their multiple forms to achieve the necessary transition and connect the buildings with their environment immediately, designing contemporary spaces, of great formal wealth, in contrast to the very fashionable current architecture where the external image is projected as a decorative layer and the inner spaces are deficient and are in the background.