BUILD Q2 2018

26 Build Q2 2018 telier AVO draws from André van Oudheusden’s extensive experience of working for over 20 years with the world’s lead- ing architectural firms, on large projects with high-profile and award-winning concepts. The firm has a growing international portfolio, working on various projects in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. For example, in Uganda, their previous experience with the Naguru and Nsambya master plan with both a mixed-use development, has established an understanding that drives their villa project in Entebbe. Atelier AVO’s creativity is driven by a consistent philosophical approach, influenced by project-specific conditions emerging from the environment, the surrounding fabric, cultural inspiration and the individuals working as part of its team. The aim of this approach, is to create specifically detailed buildings that evolves within their context and function. The studio’s innovative approach, which is applied to all their work, consists of two main components; creativity and implementation. Creativity refers to how the firm creates the right environment in which to generate more and better ideas. Implementation refers how to translate those very ideas into their designs in an effective and coordinated manner. The latter enlarges the scope of innovative design and refers to a new form of design combining the traditional design function, with new ele- ments that emerge organically from the design process. However, a new form of design involves not only the product, but also the organisation and process involved in delivering that product. The studio defines innovative design as a process that applies a creative idea to create a product, process, or service for a customer and market. Their innovative design process breaks away from existing forms, and demonstrate three characteristics: 1. Novelty. Is the result of innovative design which is different from all previously existing designs / products. 2. Value. The value of innovative design is related to a human purpose and should be judged by the customer and society. 3. Commercialisation. Innovative design is distinguished from the term creative design because it involves commercial transactions. At Atelier AVO, they believe that high quality design results from continuity in the design process and intensive dialogue. A key focus of the practice, involves working closely together through constructive dialogue with clients, consultants, contractors and end users, to ensure the best results are achieved through a synthesis of concept, beauty and functional integration. Most offices are working in just a few typologies. By specialising in only a few areas, it later prevents them to extend their knowhow into different Designing Success Atelier AVO llp is an RIBA member architectural firm based in London, founded by André van Oudheusden. We invited Founder, André van Oudheusden to provide us with a fascinating overview of company, taking a glimpse into the practice, its focus on design and ingenuity. A building types. At Atelier AVO, they have the privilege to have worked in many different typologies, which results in them having the ability to combine their knowledge from several types of buildings into one project. This brings solutions to the table which otherwise would not have been possible. Compared to many other Architectural offices, Atelier AVO have devel- oped a design process which will support clients from the initial concept, all the way to the handover of the key. This will bring consistency and project security to clients, since there is no need to change the design leader on their project. Many offices today concentrate only on the upfront design, and so they must separate themselves from the project, due to the lack of skills to take the project forward. The team acknowledges that each of their buildings has a civic responsi- bility above and beyond its specific function. Each building engages the tradition of its location. The design of each structure draws on its context and becomes part of the fabric of the city. Atelier AVO is aware that they have a responsibility not only to those who use their buildings, but also to the fabric it fits into, the environment at large. The team realises that they are contributing to an environment that changes constantly, and that the longevity of the social value each project creates must be a prominent consideration of the design process. In today’s environment, the future of architecture is placed centrally within the environmental debate. Fundamentally, at Atelier AVO, they believe that high quality design results from continuity in the design process and intensive dialogue. A key facet of the practice involves working closely together through constructive dialogue with clients, consultants, contractors and end users, to ensure the best results are achieved through a synthesis of concept, beauty and functional integration. The team acknowledges that each of their buildings has a civic responsibility above and beyond its specific function. Each building engages the tradition of its location. The design of each structure draws on its context and becomes part of the fabric of the city which we pass on to our successors. For implementing their designs, they use the latest technologies to help themselves and their clients visualise and evaluate the design at all the stages of the work process. The team’s aim is to work closely together with a variety of skilled professionals, whose knowledge allows them to optimise value and quality. During this process, Atelier AVO works from a well-structured and organised set of in-house developed principals which provides them with a high level of project consistency, which in return gives them excellent tools to coordinate and implement the design as set out in the concept design. Overall the work of Atelier AVO is based upon a solid foundation of design excellence, budget and program control, proficient project management and the achievement of best value and architectural quality.