Q2 2021

44 BUILD Q2 2021 Aug20120 Stunning Student Accommodation Secures Success Student accommodation has gained a bad rap. To the public, student digs are smelly, dirty, and often falling apart at the seams. The job of IconInc has been to turn that reputation around. Named as the Best Luxury Student Accommodation Provider 2020 – UK in BUILD’s Real Estate and Property Awards, they’ve done the truly remarkable. We take a look at how this provider has achieved such success. he UK’s private rental sector has been transformed over the last few years, growing rapidly to match increased demands for these invaluable services. As the prices have increased, however, so have the expectations of the tenants who live there. The student population is no exception. As they take their first steps into a world without parental support, they know that what they pay must be reflected in the level of service from their providers. IconInc has made a name out of providing a level of service that is second to none. The team focuses exclusively on the student experience, learning what this specific section of the market wants and needs, and then working tirelessly to ensure that they provide it. In the competitive student accommodation market, the bar has never been higher and a huge part of this is the commitment of the IconInc team to always exceeding those standards. The core of what the team offer, therefore, is a sense of community and belonging in times when students might feel uncertain of their futures. Living in IconInc student accommodation makes you part of a broader world, one which is vibrant and multicultural. There are opportunities to meet new people and discover new ways of living at big mixer events and quieter educational talks. There are messy pizza nights and yoga classes to keep the freshman fifteen away. There’s always something going on, and it’s something that anyone can be part of. The need for superlative services is clear from all those who come to live at an IconInc site. They include 24 hour concierge, onsite personal trainers, rooftop sports courts and private dining rooms to name, but a few key features. The staff at reception are always on hand to offer friendly advice or a listening ear when there is a crisis. The daunting nature of moving away means that to many this service is essential. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven this in spades, with staff having to support those who have been told to self-isolate. Needless to say, the way in which the community that has been nurtured at IconInc responded was exceptional. Meals were arranged, encouraging notes were left and all parcels were delivered. In trying times, they were a friendly beacon of support. T For some, however, one of the most appealing aspects to many is access to a fully kitted, state of the art gym 24/7. Instead of walking for miles in the dark to keep fit and healthy, students are able to take a short trip straight from their beds to one of the best equipped gyms in the local area. The team at IconInc know that for some students, having the flexibility to exercise at any time they want is a boon and allows them to remain fit and active while they are studying. In short, what IconInc is offering is a way forward that goes above and beyond. The service that many students have come to expect is simply blown away by this talented and focused team. They know what people want, and they work tirelessly to ensure that for people moving into a new location, they get the treatment they deserve. Company: IconInc Name: Amy Brown Email: [email protected]