Q2 2021

BUILD Q2 2021 6 Aug20398 ith a wealth of experience under its belt, Cypriot Reality have the necessary consulting experience to help its clients realise their Plan B in Europe. To start, Jenny provides a brief overview of the firm and offers more insight into its clientele. “With an impressive track record to call upon, we are able to assist investors and families by offering a true 360-degree personalised service. Typically, we showcase the many property opportunities available in Cyprus and expose our clients to the benefits of a superlative lifestyle and thriving economy. In addition to having an extensive network in Cyprus, where we really assist our clients is in the finding of their perfect place whether that’s an apartment, townhouse, seafront villa or villa in an estate. Cypriot Realty’s ethos is to make the process of investing in another country as seamless and uncomplicated as possible. Investors are fully aware of what is required as we provide them upfront with document checklists of what information will be needed by the authorities, as well as a flow chart of the process. Naturally, we explain how to secure personal information (like birth and marriage certificates) and how to apply for police clearance certificates. Since inception, we have partnered with a number of service providers who can assist in expediting these documents, thereby saving our clients time. With no hidden agendas or surprises, our transparency leads to informed and satisfied clients”. Operating in such a competitive industry presents many challenges to the firm, however in its attempts to distance itself from the crowd, its industry experience and offering of two residency programmes have proved invaluable as Jenny explains further. “Having a 13-year track record in offshore investing and an in-depth knowledge of the market in Cyprus has cemented our credibility in the industry as being the authoritative investment specialists. Investors want to deal with companies that are successful, have longevity and credibility, but also ones that can offer exceptional client service. Moreover, we focus on offering a tangible Plan B to investors wishing to secure permanent residency and/or an investment home in the Med. Cyprus has two residency programmes available including the FAST TRACK programme where permanent residency is granted in two months, and the SLOW TRACK programme where perBest Permanent Residency Programme 2020 - Europe Founded in 2008, Cypriot Realty are recognised as Cyprus’ authoritative investment specialists, successfully promoting Cyprus to acquire a Plan B permanent residency and property investment amongst other matters. Following its well-deserved success in the Real Estate & Property Awards 2020, we got in touch with Jenny Ellinas to find out more. W manent residency can be attained in two years. Both of these programmes offer a solid benefit to the investor and family. The primary benefit is being able to visit Cyprus without needing a travel visa and being able to live in Cyprus without having to go through the onerous immigration process. The FAST TRACK programme in Cyprus has been voted as being the best in Europe as it is the only programme where three generations in the same family line secure permanent residency for life. Both the parents, the parents-in-law of the main investor and all dependent children up to age 25 qualify under the investor’s application. The residency permits never expire, nor need to be renewed. The investor can rent out the property to earn a Euro-based income and the investor and family do not need to live in Cyprus for the residency permits to remain valid. On the SLOW TRACK programme, multiple non-related investors can buy a property together and each qualify for permanent residency in their own right using the jointly-owned property. This programme is also appealing for adult siblings who want to purchase a property together if they do not have the funds to invest in the FAST TRACK programme”. With an open-door policy at Cypriot Realty, everyone has a part to play in the success of the firm as Jenny goes on to explain. “When an individual’s goals are recognised, we believe everyone can work to their full potential. In addition, with a culture based on transparency, professionalism, connection, service excellence and motivation, this helps drive us towards achieving a high level of client satisfaction”. In addition to the emotional challenges its clients face when purchasing a property in another country, there are many practical challenges to tackle as Jenny elaborates further. “The main challenge when dealing with investment clients is the volume of information available, the choices available and the speed that this information is delivered. It can be overwhelming to sort or prioritise information and often exhausts our clients because it seems too daunting. Naturally then, we are able to simplify the process using our partners who can facilitate everything from securing personal documentation and getting real time legal advice to sending funds offshore. Another key challenge for big