Q2 2024

BUILD Q2 2024 With an unwavering passion for enhancing sustainability in the building sector, The Place Between is as an awardwinning social enterprise, leveraging legal and project management skills to tackle sustainability challenges and legal disputes in the home improvement sector. Founded by an international lawyer with extensive experience working with human rights and environmental charities, The Place Between utilises this background to drive positive change in the home renovation industry. It offers bespoke consultancy services, including eco-conscious design, contractor hiring, materialssourcing,andonlinerenovation coaching. Its past projects focused on revamping family period houses to enhance energy efficiency, lessen the environmental impact of building works, and improve overall property value. With a commitment to “enjoyable, sustainable home renovations”, The Place Between fosters better relationships between homeowners and building professionals. Best Home Design & Renovation Project Management Consultants 2023 - UK As a social enterprise that supports homeowners, contractors, and building professionals alike in achieving ethical home renovations, The Place Between is a leading light within the industry. It’s no secret that the home renovation sector has a major problem with environmental waste and legal disputes, but there are few entities willing to address these pressing issues. As such, The Place Between looked to fill this void, and has quickly positioned itself as a resource alleviating the strain facing renovators. In essence, The Place Between is an ally to those looking to design, plan, and sustainably execute property renovation. With its support, renovators use detailed design briefs so that the build phase runs smoothly. Throughout the process, both homeowners and building pros are encouraged to make responsible choices, with eco-conscious design and material sourcing. For example, The Place Between supported people to remodel and retrofit houses with little structural work, restore period features, source and fit reclaimed parquet and floorboards, fix dampness issues, fit energy-efficient heating systems, and use eco-conscious materials, products, and working methods. This empowering approach increases positive environmental impact and lessens the risks of disputes about costs, scope, and timelines between homeowners and contractors. This fundamental but too often overlooked preparatory work sustains the subsequent building phases, where The Place Between can act as project manager or offer ad-hoc guidance through bespoke consultations. Renovators can book online consultations via the website. Homeowners are inspired by sustainable design ideas and empowered to drive their projects, while building professionals are supported to deliver quality services to meet their client’s requirements. Various explorative techniques and online tools are used by The Place Between to help achieve the best ideas for each home. Put simply, The Place Between prioritises conceiving and proposing functional and beautiful bespoke designs that don’t cost the earth. It does so via a process that engages both homeowners and construction professionals. For instance, The Place Between has guided its clients to become parties into mutually developed contracts to form the basis of their successful projects. These contracts include modalities clearly describing responsibilities and pre-emptively establishing systems to address common problems. This conscientious approach makes ethical home renovations possible and this is satisfying for all involved. There’s fun to be had in the world of thoughtful renovations, and The Place Between is at the forefront of exploring this notion to the fullest. It's this focus on fostering partnerships between homeowners and building professionals that distinguishes The Place Between from other consultancies within the industry. By supporting every party involved in a renovation project through the application of its legal, design, and project management skills, the company has mastered the art of preventing conflict to achieve a positive outcome for even the most complex projects. At its core, The Place Between truly believes in the power of positivity within the renovation sphere. The industry has been steeped in conflict for too long, and The Place Between has seized the opportunity to transform this aspect of the trade. It has developed solutions and consultancy services for the benefit of every party involved, resulting in a steady and well-needed level of support for homeowners and construction professionals alike. Contact: Valerie Couillard Company: The Place Between Web Address: https://theplacebetween.co.uk/