BUILD Q3 2018

Build Q3 2018 6 hroughout the years, Banozic Architecture/Scenography have worked mainly with for commercial brands, focusing on the creation of brand identity in space to generate memora- ble experiences for the visitors and users. Banozic Architecture/Scenography work is primarily based on an inter- disciplinary approach, in order to narrate brand stories and brand identity in space, as Boris explains. “By using this approach, it helps us to think and work across both dimen- sions and perspectives. Overall, it helps us to understand the brand in all its depth. “Furthermore, by taking a close collaborative working with our clients, artisans, consultants and other professionals, it enables us to take experimental steps in the production and guarantees high standards in the implementation.” Innovation is the result of ones pursue for his aspirations. The more the team at Banozic Architecture/Scenography work on their vision, the more they have to research, change and develop new ways of reaching them. When vision comes first, innovation is inevitable. There is no recipe for it, which is what makes us always come up with unexpected results. Banozic Architecture/Scenography creative ideas originate and develop in between architecture, the visual arts and object design. The explora- When Vision Comes First, Innovation is Inevitable For more than 10 years, Banozic Architecture/Scenography has been providing all architectural services from concept to execution, as well as furniture design, graphic design, exhibition and media design to clients. Taking time to tell us more about the innovative firm, is Boris Banozic who goes into detail about the services the company offers. T tion of the potential interactions between these fields, later leads to the fusion of architecture, furniture, products and graphics. Alongside the ideas is the design of space, which in its entirety, tran- scends the physical boundaries of its components, leading to a more in- tense experience of space. Most of all, new visual qualities and relations within a space unfold. Looking ahead, Boris highlights what the future has in store for the industry, and also pointing out how the market will change over the next 12 months. “The industry is changing constantly due to the increasing communi- cation technologies which are available, but also by how we collect and filter relevant information. Knowing that each brand is willing to reach its audience, exhibitions, showrooms, events and shops are the physical ways in which people get in touch with them. I believe that more established brands will change their focus to a more personalised and decentralised approach in trade fair exhibitions. “Therefore, a cross disciplinary approach and holistic solutions will even be more important and space will become more and more technological and media-driven.”