Q3 2021

57 Q3 2021 BUILD Jun21168 As if by Magic! Hard surfaces are a key part of any build, but even the toughest can be damaged over time. Repairing the dinks and knicks is not an easy task however, and often leads to wholesale replacement. Or at least it did, until the arrival of Magicman. The team’s skilled engineers can renew any hard surface with ease. In BUILD’s rolling series of Design and Build Awards, the team was named The UK’s Leading Provider of Repair and Restoration Services, 2021 for their sterling efforts. We dig a little deeper to see just how they’ve done it. ince 1993, the team at Magicman have built their name around supplying clients with specialised repair services that can reinvigorate a property’s hard surfaces. It’s never easy to repair these surfaces, but the team at Magicman have created their own way of working that finds a way to restore them to their original glory. Based in Brighton & Hove, but able to operate the length and breadth of the UK as well as globally, Magicman’s unique selling point is being able to repair those chipped, dented, scratched, burned and stained surfaces that you might otherwise have to replace. Often, these repairs are imperceptible once rectified. By taking an approach which champions repair as opposed to replacement, the team have created significant savings to the customer that are often 50-80% of other costs. With clear environmental benefits too as the damaged item does not go to landfill and no harmful greenhouse gases are produced in the manufacture and transportation of a new item. With an offering this bespoke, it’s little wonder that the team have been called upon to work on some fascinating cases. The team have supplied repairs for many landmark building projects not just in the UK, but abroad too. Many national companies in the construction, facilities management, insurance and marine sectors depend upon the team’s hard work and diligent approach. Naturally, the team behind Magicman are some of the most talented in the industry, using years of expertise to ensure that the fixes they put into place are as resilient as the original materials. Working around the country, and beyond, these mobile technicians are able to adapt to the broad variety of challenges they face. Choosing this team means choosing a solution that is much quicker, and often more effective, than arranging for replacement items to be produced, ordered, delivered and installed. To ensure that the high standards that people require are maintained, Magicman has grown into an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 company. To protect Magicman’s reputation within the industry and their customers from imposters, the Magicman brand and terms such as ‘Magicman repairs’ are trademarked to secure them against fraudulent use. S The appeal of Magicman comes from the team’s unparalleled ability to deliver internal and external repair and restoration solutions of the highest quality to a multitude of surfaces and finishes anywhere in the world. Company: Magicman Name: Mark Henderson Website: www.magicman.co.uk