BUILD Q4 issue

Q4 2018 Build 9 1801BU07 ments. Sarkar explores the latest changes that the market is undergoing and how his company is working to adapt around these. “Currently, the AEC industry continues to move toward BIM workflows. For example, the UK government’s BIM mandate creates more potential clients adopting BIM. We issue our software on an annual release cycle, and with each release we make notable BIM feature updates in response to this trend. Just as collaboration is a core value of BIM, a Vectorworks company value is collaboration. We avoid working in silos and work to sell and market our products in a collaborative way. Innovation is another company value; we continually seek innovative solutions to make our customers more successful, such as our cloud services, augmented and virtual reality interfaces with the 3D Vectorworks model, and a point cloud feature that offers reality capture functionality. Thanks to these developments and the rise in AI across the corporate landscape, the AEC industry is also undergoing rapid change towards more automation. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are becoming more integrated with design iterations and construction management. Vectorworks is keeping up with this trend and experiment- ing with these technologies. Whether it is predictive feature selection in Vectorworks based on user logs over a period of time, or stylizing render- ing in Vectorworks based on a neural network in the Vectorworks Cloud, we continue to stay one step ahead. Virtual and augmented reality (AR) usage is also going to increase in the AEC market; we have support available for both right now, and we are in the process of enhancing AR views with BIM data.” As he looks to the future, Sarkar foresees even greater success for Vectorworks. “As innovators in our market, we are always working toward innovative solutions for our customers. Our aspiration is that we are the go-to solu- tion for designing anything. We are a provider of premier design solutions, in addition to providing design documentation. Designers choose us be- cause we are the solution that allows them to create design alternatives very easily and present them to the clients from within the same product. As such, looking ahead we plan to continue to develop design solutions to solve customer problems in specific areas of the architecture, land- scape and entertainment industries. Our Energos feature for determining the energy efficiency of the buildings, the irrigation feature in Landmark and the Braceworks module for Spotlight all stem from customer needs in these areas.” Company: Vectorworks, Inc. Contact: Josh Desmond Address: 7150 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, Maryland, 21046, USA Phone: 001 410 290 5114 Website: