BUILD Q4 2019

34 BUILD Q4 2019 Jul19362 home is only as strong as its foundation, and nowhere is that more evident that at Country Homes in southern Ontario. With over fifty years of deep experience, each unique home is built with passion and traditional old-world craftsmanship by founder Tony Rino- mato. After settling in Southern Ontario from his native Italy, Tony set out to do what he knew best – build from the heart and construct each home as though it were his own. Now under the stewardship of the family’s second and third generations, Country Homes still stands for the same things as it did at its inception; to build unique and warm family homes for each exclusive family. With clients that vary from young couples and families, to retirees looking to downsize, much of the marketing is aimed towards those looking to settle outside of busy city life. Approaching each and every new community build with unique innovative architectural designs, Country Homes ensure that Ones to Watch in Canada – Homebuilding Firm Craft Excellence Country Homes is a large volume, low-rise production home builder operating all over southern Ontario. A third-generation family business, the client is at the heart of everything that this company achieve, from where they work and how they play, to the lifestyles they aspire towards. Drawing on over fifty years of homebuilding pedigree, this Canadian construction firm craft excellent and unbeatable foundations for generations to come. A every project is built to last for generations. Ranging between 150 and 700 homes, each community is comprised of single, semi-detached and townhouse properties. Through excellent customer service, the firm has seen tremendous success in making their clients feel comfortable all the way through the home-buying process. Despite the housing shortage that Canada is currently facing, Country Homes is combatting the issue by offering clients standard features that would otherwise be considered up- grades. With affordability a major issue also, homes are given more value and better return on investment for home buyers that work alongside this excellent Canadian homebuilding firm. As a family-oriented company, Country Homes are also doing their bit for charity and the environment to ensure that future generations can enjoy the same space as previous ones. For every home purchased, a tree will be planted in collabora- tion with Tree Canada, a non-profit organisation dedicated to greening the country. Upon completion of any project, clients can complete a review that will ensure another partner, Cus- tomerInsight, donate towards Make-A-Wish® Canada, enabling critically ill children can have their dreams come true. The resounding and continuing success of Country Homes is down to the workforce that deliver the best quality product it possibly can create day in and day out. The ongoing dedica- tion of the Rinomato family to create beautiful communities of unique homes across southern Ontario continue to ensure strong foundations for generations to come. Contact: Christian Rinomato Website: