BUILD Q4 2019

BUILD Q4 2019 8 uncertainty and extreme stress. By working primarily with commercial property owners and residential home owners, they play a role in rebuilding lives and restoring some semblance of normality during a time where both are sorely needed and greatly treas- ured. Yet, despite this, there are significant challenges to working in this sphere. “As with any construction and restoration company, our primary challenge is quality in the trades. Labor diversification can be prob- lematic because of differences in work ethic, attitude, outlook and behavior between the generations. There is a common major shortage of new carpenters, plumbers and electricians. Any construction company will tell you that relationship with the men and women in this industry is critical. That’s how we continue to get the best available, while advocating for new generations to make a living in the construction industry.” Other than that, as Matt moves to discuss, Standpoint aims to expand their presence further. Naturally, this is a push that Matt is actively engaged in: “Our focus for 2019 and beyond is continuing to grow and leverage technology and process improvements to better serve our clients. We are always looking for the next generation tech whether it’s industry or not. Standpoint is fortunate to have grown to a size and scale giving us a competitive advantage. By being a national company, it’s easier to mobilize teams to assist clients and people in the event of a major disaster. We focus on the client first and care about the people we serve. Our goal is to get their property, business and lives back to normal as quickly as possible. “To help show our service mindset, Stand- point Total Restoration created a founda- tion, Standpoint Serves. It is a grassroots network whose desire is to provide relief to families when disaster strikes. By working with, listening to and supporting communi- ties we can offer recovery and the ability to rebuild long term sustainable communities.” Address: 9673 Wendell Rd., Dallas, Texas, 75243, United States of America Website: Telephone: (+1) 800-674-2606