Build Real Estate & Property Awards

Build Real Estate & Property Awards 2015 50 alamanca Spanish Villas operate a client centric approach to our engage- ment process and our focus from the outset is to gain a clear and compre- hensive understanding of our client’s property and preferred location requirements. Currently the firm lists over 10,000 luxury prop- erties For Sale across the Spanish Costas, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. All of these properties are available for clients to view on the website our shop window and we offer visitors a clear vision of our products and services making navigation quick and easy for clients to obtain the necessary information to progress their particular interest. When we initiate a client project we always apply “best practice methodology” and focus our real es- tate knowledge and expertise on the properties and locations during the clients property search phase. In addition we offer a unique “wrap around” pack- age of professional services provided by independ- ent qualified partners based in Spain and in the UK, who are fluent in both English and Spanish and therefore able to provide our clients with effective help and assistance throughout the buying process. As members of the “AIPP” the Internation- al Estate Agents Professional Governing Body, we are able to offer our clients add- ed protection and assurance when buying Overseas Property, ultimately providing clients with peace of mind. Looking to the future we will cultivate continued growth by providing customer satisfaction and offering customer choice through easy access to both our UK based and in-country partner expertise enabling us to deliver a seamless and valuable engagement process to our clients. We will also continue to develop and strengthen our established Spanish partner network to offer the most comprehensive choice of products and services In conjunction with this we will continue to extend our use of technology and mobile connectivity to deliver the most effective online presence through our website and connected social media channels which we see as key to presenting clients with up to date product information and current Spanish lifestyle news & developments. Best Spanish Property Search & Consultancy Firm Salamanca Spanish Villas Ltd are a UK based Spanish Real Estate Agency working in partnership with locally based accredited Spanish Real Estate Agents. We invit- ed Alan Dennett to provide us with an overview of the firm. S 3 inches 18 inches 12 inches 3 inches appox. Whilsteveryefforthasbeenmade toensure thisartwork iscorrect it is thecustomers responsibility tocheck foranyerrors.Onanyworkwhichcontains tone/screenwork,wewould strongly recommend theuseofaCromalin. Thiswillenable you toview acloser representationof the finishedbag.Pleasenote that thecolourof the finishedbagmayalter to theproof slightly. ThisalsoapplieswhenprintingactualPantoneColoursoveranonwhite substrate.Whilstalleffortsaremade tomaintain the closestpossiblematch,avariationcanoccur. Inallcasespleaseensureallareasof theprint specificationarecheckedanddully signed inareasas shown. DISCLAIMER: APPLIES TO 100%COVERAGEDESIGNSONLY. Pleasebeawareanybagsprintedabove thehandle should theybeusedovera longduration, the ink is likely tocomeoff in thehand. The ink itself isnot toxicorharmful inanywayandwillwashoffwith warm soapywater. Theareaaroundandabove thehandlecanbe leftunprinted ifdesired. PLEASE APPROVE BY SIGNING THE APPROPRIATE BOX CLIENT: Print name: Signature: Date: BAG STYLE: 1 PANTONE COLOUR REFERENCES: PLEASE NOTE: this proof is not for colour match (please refer to Pantone book) PMS 2748 Variguage PRINT AREA: 9.5" wide Orange ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 2 3 4 5 6 7 PLEASENOTE: thisdoesnot represent thehandle shapeonly theapproximateposition EYEMARK Job Number: 9912 PleaseNote: Where colours touch,we have toaddbleed for print registration. Thismay createa third colour orHaloeffect such as illustratedbelow thiswill vary from colour to colour