Build Real Estate & Property Awards

Build Real Estate & Property Awards 2015 56 We have a small team of highly experienced lenders, so we undertake regular discussions about the market & competition. We also have strong links with several professional firms working within our target sectors so we look to pick up trends early. With speculative residential developments, the two keys elements are making sure the project is built broadly to the expected budget and then sold with- in a reasonable period at the anticipated prices. Our clients share that aim and by backing experi- enced developers who have a strong track record, the project has a better chance of success. The experienced developer will recognise the product that will suit a specific location. They also recognise the balance between getting a great design/specifi- cation and delivering a project which has a decent profit for them. Location is a key part of the assess- ment as the aim for a speculative development is to launch in an area where there is more demand than supply at the target price point. Titlestone was one of the first stretched senior debt providers with support up to 90% of cost. Our ability to provide a wide range of loans from £1.5m to over £25m across a wide geographic area also provides our clients with a high degree of flexibility. When we put all this together with our best in class origination team, the significant financial resource of our backer Oaktree Capital and the customer service provided by our wider team, we believe we have a highly attractive offering for our clients. Our ethos is not to over complicate matters and focus on delivery. Developers have to deal with vendors, planners, neighbours, main contractors and selling agents etc. With so much to get through, our aim is not to make their funding relationship complicated. We achieve this by being clear on what we can do and once an agreement is reached, to deliver on that in the manner and times- cale promised. The Titlestone team all work together to ensure we achieve that. We primarily focus on southern England for residential projects. It has been an area of strong price growth over recent years and it seems that the demand for housing will con- tinue to outpace supply. The challenge for our clients, and consequently the support we provide to them, is the ability to acquire sites which deliver the right level of profit margin. The market for buying sites is more competitive now and build cost inflation has been high. As the financial sector recovers from the credit crunch, more funders are also returning to the market with London & the South East particularly active. We are delighted to have received the award and the success behind it has been a real team effort. We entered the funding market in 2012 with an innovative product at a time when other lenders had either withdrawn from supporting developers or were still very cautious. Alongside the benefits of the product, we have also built a strong reputation for delivery and doing what we say we will. As such our clients seem to like working with us which has allowed us to drawdown £1.3bn of facilities across over 200 projects. As we head into 2016 and beyond we are looking forward to supporting both our ex- isting and new clients in our target sectors. Our aim is to be consistently in the funding market and to concentrate on what we are good at. As such we see ourselves staying with our core product of providing stretched senior loans for residential developments across southern England. Best Residential Development Funding Company - UK We provide stretched senior loans ranging from £1.5m to £25m across mainly southern England to developers. Our core market is the residential sector but we also support the student & office sectors. Our product can provide up to 90% of cost and is aimed at those developers with more opportunities than available equity. T