Real Estate and Property Awards 2020

11 he north of England presents numerous opportunities to those who are looking to invest in the property market. Navigating those possibilities, however, from finding the right property to executing the right strategy, is the key to success. It involves a great deal of care and attention, but often this is hard to come by. The NPP Group was founded by Mike and Hannah Aspinall with Paul Murray in NPP Developments, the groups construction arm, to provide the necessary detailed work to get the most out of an investment. Property investors themselves, they were frustrated by the challenges that the process presented and were determined to find a solution that ensured clients from around the world could invest effectively in the north of England. For clients around the world, the Aspinalls are their eyes on the ground, helping them to grow and ensure their financial futures. The team deliver a wealth of services, adapting to ensure that each property and each client has their individual needs met. From exploring the possibilities of a property through to its management and letting, the team are on hand at all times. As investors themselves, they bring experience of the local area to the table, ensuring that clients receive the best possible service. The NPP Group’s work sees the team spread across the north, with projects being worked on and delivered everywhere from Greater Manchester to Leeds, from York to Sheffield. Despite the enormous range of the firm, the team are still looking to expand ever further. This applies to the work that the team are undertaking as well. Currently they are exploring options that vary from small affordable housing for social housing relocation services, to multimillion-pound commercial developments. This enormous range is possible thanks to the attitude of the NPP Group team. They see each property investment not as something to be curated, but a problem to be solved. Each problem is unique, and has to be solved with care. An example of the attention to detail that the team apply to each project that they are involved with is their work in Brighouse. The project has seen a vacant pub transformed into ten gorgeous apartments. It has ended up being one of the team’s longest running projects, in no small part thanks to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are always areas which can delay the development of property, and in this case, the planning process was delayed significantly by Kirklees Council and generating the necessary finance for the conversation. The tenacity of the team has seen the project through to the end, however and it is now only a few months away from being a very attractive, and completed, product. The biggest strength of working with the team at the NPP Group is their knowledge of the industry. This allows the hands-off investor an opportunity to be creative within the UK property market, releasing control into the hands of the team and allowing them to flourish. Most members of the NPP Group are property investors themselves and have a great deal of experience in generating the maximum return from a project. The nature of working in the north of England is that property tends to be cheaper than in the south, creating a slightly better yield. The capital growth across the northern powerhouse, and the surrounding areas, however, has been very impressive over the last five years. The formation of the NPP Group couldn’t have happened at a better time, with the big cities going from strength to strength. Their growth has only just begun, with potential for a great deal more in the coming months and years. T Being run by investors, for investors, gives the NPP Group a distinct advantage over the competition. Instead of risking client money on new strategies, every new technique has been tested by the team themselves. The evidence of these trials is what is shared with new investors, who then pay a fee to have similar projects delivered on their behalf. It keeps things simple and to the point. Transparency between the team and clients is a valued commodity that the NPP Group delivers. With values of integrity and investment at the company’s core, it’s little wonder that the team behind the NPP Group have been able to achieve incredible results. They don’t just build an enviable property portfolio, they build strong relationships that will stand the test of time, creating the circumstances for long-lasting business success. Of course, no business can thrive on just profit, and the team have set themselves an ambitious goal for 2020. Their social housing relocation services strategy is hoped to see people or families who are currently in temporary accommodation moving into new properties with the opportunity for a fresh start. It’s a project that was started during the first lockdown in England, but despite this, the team have achieved some great results. The amount of transactions and small refurbishments is not what the NPP Group usually works with, but has achieved some great results. Getting the right team in place to enable this growth, both with regards to social housing and larger projects, has been a long process, but now the NPP Group is ideally positioned to thrive. In the last three months, the team have enabled the purchase of over four million pounds worth of property for social housing, with the number only likely to increase in the coming months. With over forty projects being purchased at the moment, their success is most definitely assured. When it comes to investing in property, there are few firms more accomplished than the team at the NPP Group. Their high levels of integrity have built in an amazing degree of trust that must be celebrated. It’s taken a long time to reach this stage, but the team are now in an excellent position where they can let their current strategies fly. Company: NPP Group Contact: Mike Aspinall Website: Aug20592 Real Estate & Property Awards 2020 BUILD