Real Estate and Property Awards 2020

47 Real Estate & Property Awards 2020 BUILD Aug20024 uying a home is one of the most important and expensive purchases that an individual will ever make in their life. With so much at stake and so much to be wary of, it pays to have the backing of one of the most trusted and comprehensive residential property hazard and risk databases available in the United States today. HazardHub is the only third-generation provider of property-level hazard risk databases. Its in-house team of exceptional scientists work diligently to translate huge amounts of geospatial digital data into easy-to-understand answers, providing risk assessments that can be used to make real-world decisions around housing and other residential properties. HazardHub also provides comprehensive and national coverage for risks that can be truly devastating in their damage done to property. As the world has continued heating up, and the effects of global warming are more dangerous and apparent than ever before, it pays to be wise to those effects and how they might impact where you might live. For instance, wind can take many forms that can deal irreparable damage to a property than an individual might have poured their life savings into. Tornados, hailstorms, and hurricanes can all have truly devastating effects. Fire, water, and earth also factor into the equation. Wildfires have run riot throughout Australia and the United States this year, but HazardHub can use data to offer insight into wildfire likelihoods, fire station locations, and even fire hydrant locations. Flooding, storm surges, tsunamis, and distance to the coast are factors which can determine whether or not a property is at risk from serious water damage, whilst HazardHub can also offer knowledge on things such as earthquakes, distance to nearest fault lines, sinkhole susceptibility, and radon exposure. However, it is not just the natural world that homes need protection from. Manmade events can also seriously affect a home’s stability, through things such as fracking-induced earthquakes, toxic waste facilities, underground storage tanks, premium tax districts, and nuclear waste facilities. Spearheaded by John Siegman, the principals of HazardHub together have more than seventy five years of experience in the creation, modelling, deployment, and support of large geospatial databases. Hazard databases require PhD-level expertise to translate huge amount of geospatial data into Best Residential Property Hazard Risk Product: HazardHub When buying a house that you one day will hope to make into a home that will stand the test of time, one of the key things to consider is the risks associated with buying that particular piece of property. HazardHub allows its users to do just that, creating third-generation geospatial risk databases for the United States. Whether a user is concerned about the air, fire, water, earth, or manmade risks associated with their property, HazardHub has it covered. We find out more. B the easy-to-understand answers that home buyers seek. HazardHub applies its leadership experience and expertise it has developed to create the best hazard datasets that are available today, along with easy to understand “scores” that give a quick, yet comprehensive, look at any property in the continental United States. Not only does HazardHub create cutting-edge and market-leading data, but it also makes it available to everyone via its agency website, , which helps everyone prepare for risks around their homes. Simply choose the Advanced report, 5 for $0. Choosing a home is no easy feat at the best of times, but with added environmental and manmade risks, it can sometimes feel impossible. With HazardHub on your side, it can bring some peace to know where local fire hydrants are, and how far a property is exactly from the nearest body of water. All of this information can culminate in outstanding datasets that allow prospective homeowners the chance to make the best decision possible, and rest easy in the knowledge that no matter what comes, they know exactly where to go and what to do. Such is the excellence of HazardHub. Company: HazardHub Contact: John Siegman Website: