Real Estate and Property Awards 2020

BUILD Real Estate & Property Awards 2020 6 Undoubtedly, one of the biggest events to happen in 2020 has the been the COVID-19 pandemic, and its subsequent spread across the world. The United Kingdom has suffered a great deal at the hands of the virus, both from a social and economic standpoint. The property market was also a victim of this suffering, as it was effectively placed on pause for between two and three months in the first half of the year. Inevitably, this meant that the team at Gold Crest Surveyors had to press pause on their operations as well. This was, of course, very challenging for everyone involved, both clients and surveyors alike. However, the firm remained positive and refused to make anyone redundant during this time. As the country began to regain its feet and return to some semblance of normality to life, Gold Crest Surveyors has opened its doors once again and welcomed new clients into the fold. Since doing so, it has managed to managed to grow financially, even in spite of the economic state of the country. As a direct result of this growth amongst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the firm has even decided to reinvest that growth into taking on four new surveyors, and two new administrative members of staff. Obviously, COVID-19 still presents a large number of challenges to working in the property sector, but they are challenges that Gold Crest Surveyors will face head on each day with a renewed sense of vigour and tenacity. Looking at the wider property market as a whole, there are a number of trends and factors that must be considered at this moment in time. For instance, the property market is on the crest of an exciting wave right now. Many people were trapped indoors for such a long time over the course of several months, in houses, apartments, or perhaps still living a guardian though trying to save and move out. Some of these scenarios were not entirely suitable for their needs, and they have come out of the period of national lockdown wanting a fresh start in a new home. Perhaps this is a new home with a garden, or a balcony, or something that affords them the opportunity to be outside, but still in a space that belongs to them. Property has never been so important for so many people, especially when the spaces they inhabit are now home to so much more of their lives. Many people also spent much of their personal lockdowns or quarantines renovating their own homes, and now feel that it is a good time to sell their property and move on from this phase of their lives. Some others, meanwhile, want to get out of the city and escape to the country or to the coast. It remains to be seen just how long the market will remain in good shape, and there are many doom mongers, but Gold Crest Surveyors wants to remain positive. Not just for the good of the real estate market, but for the sake of the wider economy as a whole. It is clear that there are people out there, spending their hard- earned time and money to help keep the economy afloat. For that reason, and many others, it appears that there may not be any danger of a return to the problems that were brought about in 2008. 2020 may be a year that many people want to forget about, instead looking ahead to what 2021 and a brand new decade may have in store. For Gold Crest Surveyors, that comes in the form of plans for expansion. Bringing on board even more surveyors and staff members, Gold Crest Surveyors is hoping to soon have around two or three surveyors in each locality around the United Kingdom. Yet, for all this talk of growth and