Sustainable Building Awards 2023

BUILD Sustainable Building Awards 2023 Born from the research activities of Pr. Radhouane Masmoudi, P.Eng., PhD, FIIFC, and FCSCE, HPSH is a new startup with big ambitions to recreate the ways in which experts approach sustainable build projects. This most clearly manifests through the all-new hybrid structures that mark HPSH’s specialty. These high performance structures, imbued with a high strength-to-weight ratio, bring together an outer fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) tube (Figure1) and reinforced concrete cast within said tube to increase compression strength on an exceptional scale. As such, these structures are able to fight against premature cracking, while simultaneously Most Innovative Hybrid Structure Technology Firm 2023 - Canada Sustainability is a concept that finds its foundation in longevity. In order for a structure to be considered sustainable, it has to prove that it’s able to persevere. Created around this very form of inspiration is HPSH, a firm that specialises in the art of producing hybrid structures. From design, all the way through to the construction process, HPSH has devoted itself to developing the future of high-performance hybrid projects. Below, we take a closer look into how. protecting reinforced concrete against deicing salts and corrosion (Figure 2b, 2c). The end result is a concrete structure that boasts an extended service life – one that requires little to no additional input in order to maintain it. HPSH goes on to explain how its ingenious structure functions, detailing that – “The inner FRP tube is integrated inside the outer tube, which not only creates the void and thus reduces the dead weight, but also adds to the tensile reinforcement. Thusly, this increases the load-bearing capacities. Recent tests have shown that HPSH beams have 30% Contact: Radhouane Masmoudi Company: HPSH Inc. Web Address: less weight compared to a conventional reinforced concrete beam, but has up to 400% more bearing capacity (Figure 3).” Though seeming straightforward in concept, the execution of such an incredible structure was only made possible through HPSH’s ambitious Founder, Inventor, and CEO. Pr. Radhouane Masmoudi has broken the mould, and the industry has finally started to notice. When working alongside clients, HPSH distinguishes individuals based on the type of manufactured products required. Examples include utility applications, wherein utility pole foundations, lighting poles, and concrete pipes are often paired with municipalities, the department of transportations, and electrical and phone distribution companies. However, for some infratsructure applications, the firm conducts projects utilising its patented, innovative technology – namely its HPSH columns and utility-pole foundations These technologies were deployed in collaboration with the Campus of Bishop University and the City of Sherbrooke, just to name a few (Figure 4). Of course, in order to create such a successful and flourishing collective, HPSH has kept itself intrinsically linked to the core values that first propelled it on its journey forward. Demonstrating an exceptional level of eco-consciousness, the firm takes full responsibility for the impact that its manufacturing processes have. Before it begins the design and marketing of any new products, it seeks to reduce its CO2 footprint to the lowest level possible. After all, its products are designed Figure 1. HPSH Design Innovation Figure 2a. Conventional Beam Figure 2b. HPSH Beam, fully-filled Figure 2c. HPSH Beam, Partially filled (30% less concrete)