Sustainable Building Awards 2023

BUILD Sustainable Building Awards 2023 Founded by Dr. Bartosz Dendura in 2011, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE is an ambitious architecture firm that has wholly committed itself to helping Poland herald in a new age of sustainable building. Offering a range of services, from urban planning, architecture, and landscape design to interior design, furniture, and graphic design, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE has become synonymous with continuous success. We explore how this came to be, and how the firm leverages its awardwinning position to encourage the shift towards sustainable building. Best Boutique Sustainable Architecture Firm 2023 - Europe Situated in Krakow, Poland, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE has spent over a decade delivering a new insight into the sustainable build industry. Mostly represented through its awardwinning projects – namely the design of an ecological house in Krakow’s Olsza district – the firm encapsulates a very raw desire to avidly promote the benefits of sustainable building. As the proud receiver of various awards within this field, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE has become the go-to architecture firm for uncovering sustainable solutions within the industry. Additionally, it received recognition from the Ministry of the Environment as a direct result of its aforementioned ecological housing project – a structure that was crafted using exclusively wooden prefabricated elements. This passion for sustainability is a direct product of Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE’s founder’s previous accomplishments. Awarded the Europe 40 under 40 award in 2023 – an award that turns the spotlight onto the most promising architects under 40 across the entirety of Europe – Dr. Dendura has involved himself in a vast wealth of products that truly demonstrate his capabilities. From working on energy-efficient modular building projects, to the creation of mobile green classrooms, Dr. Dendura has created a framework through which the collective can channel its own unique approach towards sustainable building. Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE has a brimming portfolio of accomplishments, each having earned bountiful recognition over the years. However, as opposed to simply transitioning onto the next project once one has been completed, the firm instead utilises its prior builds as a mouthpiece for its overarching message – that sustainable building is, in fact, possible within Poland’s construction industry. Over the years, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE has noticed a pushback against the concept of a sustainable building transition, mostly due to increased costs and planning. In response, it has gone above and beyond to carry out research that holds the potential to change the minds of those who are set in their traditional approaches. At its heart, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE aims to simply encourage investors to construct buildings that are in line with the principles of sustainable construction, and it has dedicated itself to conducting continuous research in order to devise the best, and most affordable, approaches. However, it isn’t unrealistic, and is well aware of the fact that convincing Poland’s construction industry to make the shift isn’t going to be a straightforward venture. Over the past year alone, it has published a number of studies that showcase the sheer amount of work that accompanies trying to foster the adoption of more pro-environmental solutions, with analytics further exemplifying the country’s reluctance to change course. However, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE isn’t willing to back down, and is tirelessly spreading its belief that sustainable construction is undoubtedly the future of the sector. Whether it’s promoting this notion through its work or its research, Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE is determined to see Poland finally integrate ecologically aware practises into its build sphere. It may not be an easy process, and there is definitely much work to be done, but Bartosz Dendura Studio4SPACE is leaps and bounds ahead of the curve in broadcasting its message. It’s for this reason that it has become such a distinct entity – its passion is steadfast, unapologetic, and centered around transforming the impact that the build industry has on the environment. As such, we can’t wait to witness its continued impact throughout 2024. Contact: Bartosz Dendura Company: Bartosz Dendura PA Studio4SPACE Web Address: