BUILD Sustainable Building 2025 Judith Leary-Joyce lives in a beautiful Victorian end-of-terrace house that was built back in 1901. Having lived in the same house for more than 40 years, Judith was no stranger to having builders in to carry out extensions and renovations. The process was always long, tiring, and incredibly messy. However, an extension that she was having done to the house during the pandemic changed everything for Judith, who made the decision to do something about her environmental concerns and turn her property into an eco-house. Creating real value and building a lasting legacy – all whilst ensuring that she and her family could enjoy a warm, comfortable, and energy-efficient home – Judith’s decision to transform her home into an eco-house has resulted in the property moving from a D to a B on the EPC scale. Not only has this led to a 75% saving on energy usage, but her home is now worth at least £90k more than its non-eco equivalent. The project has been a great success, but this is not to say that it was easy. Judith tells us: “Retrofitting a 120-year-old house with builders who had never done an eco-retrofit before meant I had to learn about the different elements in order to manage the project and inform those working with us. I soon discovered that there is very little out there for the novice. No one has written simply for people who are not involved directly in the building trade.” Determined to do something about this and allow other people to maximise the insights she learnt while researching her own retrofit, Judith wrote and published a book – Beginner’s Guide to Eco Renovation. Serving very much as the simple guide Judith wished she had had for her own project, the book is designed to encourage and support those seeking to set out on their own retrofitting journey. Judith was helped in writing the book by an eco-inspired architect, and all of the content has been checked and verified by experts. Alongside her book, which is an Amazon bestseller, Judith opens discourses around energy and money saving in the home through additional channels, such as her blog, Eco Renovation Home. Updated regularly, Judith covers a wide range of sustainable topics going beyond sustainable home renovation to include pieces on recycling, giving up plastic, and even vegan cooking. Those who want to experience for themselves the work that Judith carried out on her property can also attend an open house tour, which she delivers once a month throughout winter under the umbrella of Sustainable St Albans. Judith talks visitors through the retrofit process and takes any questions. People often leave ecstatic at the possibilities for their own homes, and these tours also serve as a reason for Judith to keep the house tidy! Beyond this, Judith has written Stay Warm for Less – a booklet that is today distributed across local councils and schools – and speaks at a range of community events, even doing a TEDx talk on ‘how you and your builder can help save the planet’. Judith has also featured on national radio and in such newspapers as The Times across the past few years, as well as winning awards from the likes of BBC Three Counties Radio. People can also find Judith on her recently launched YouTube channel, as well as on Instagram. Having become a local celebrity as a result of her unique work, Judith remains committed to using her platform to encourage homeowners to bear energy efficiency in mind when it comes to their home improvements and renovations. Judith makes no money from this work (profits from her book fuel her efforts and fund charities) and she does all this solely to help people see the connection between home energy efficiency and the climate breakdown. With a number of projects in the works, including a second book, we wish retrofit warrior and sustainability champion Judith Leary-Joyce all the best for 2025 and beyond. Contact: Judith Leary-Joyce Company: Eco Renovation Home Web Address: The ongoing climate crisis scares Judith Leary-Joyce as much as it should everyone, and it is for this reason that this 75-year-old retrofit warrior has spent the past several years making a real difference in the environmental impact that people’s homes have on the environment. Judith does this not just for herself, but for her grandchildren and all of the future generations. Far from an ‘average’ building advocate, people take notice of Judith because she is easy to identify with, having gone through these challenges herself. Judith Leary-Joyce: Home Sustainability Advocate of the Year 2024 (UK) & Sustainable Environment Dedication Excellence Award 2024 Nov24306