Build Architecture Awards 2016

Build 2016 Architecture Awards 108 tirixis Group creates, designs, and manages business concepts globally, in the retail, food and beverage, hospitality and leisure industries, providing clients with practical strategic advice based on a clear understanding of implementation, as well as execu- tional skills based on a profound understanding of the business context. The firm is also able to offer clients valuable experience and unrivalled capa- bilities gained over the past 19 years, from its 500 projects in 22 countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Today, Stirixis Group has offices in London, Athens and Bucharest. Alexander showcases one of the firm’s recent projects and explains how the company sought to create a space which met with the client’s specific requirements. “One of our latest projects we are proud of is the redesign of Diet Watchers retail chain in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Diet Watchers is the top- of-mind healthy food caterer in the KSA, owning a chain of 7 retail stores and four clinics for diet food provision to 3,000+ subscribed customers. The client was seeking to create a concept in order to roll out a chain of stores across the region with a strong retail identity characterized by an elite modern style. “Having delivered the strategic concept building and positioning, the archi- tectural design and brand signage as well as the tendering and purchasing services to support construction (which was carried out by our strategic partner in the region, Infadiah), Stirixis Group managed to develop a retail concept for Diet Watchers chain of stores that creates an engaging customer experience which successfully depicts the brand’s values and identity into space attributes and communicates the brand heritage and essence through high quality materials.” What sets the firm apart, according to Alexander, is its focus on creating projects which are more than just the sum of their parts. By communicating with clients to establish their needs the firm is able to create spaces that will exceed their expectations and add value to their businesses. “At Stirixis, we believe that space is more than just a physical location; it is the expression of an integrated process: physical, emotional, strategic, intellectual, financial, experiential. Design for us is the means of expressing all the above in a coherent entity, it is not an end in itself. Design supports and answers to all limitations, interacts with all other project parameters and expresses the strategy along with the looks. “In Greece, which is our country of origin, there is often a tendency archi- tects to try to establish their own architectural design approach without truly taking into consideration customer’s needs and wants. Further, the severe financial crisis Greece is facing, has limited new developments and con- structions and hence the opportunity to “meet” new architectural designs in big, influential buildings/landmarks. Having said that, interior renovations to existing buildings have increased and this seems recently to become a noteworthy trend given also that the real estate market is at its low point and people/businesses from abroad have started cautiously investing in Greece. “Our point of differentiation from other Design Consultancy firms is that our philosophy is based on maximizing Return on Investment for our clients and we are focused always on the business case of the project and its Return on Investment for our clients. Design in all its expressions (architectural, interior, customer experience design etc) is the means to get there, so actu- ally, compared to other professionals of the industry we have a more holistic approach which makes our clients enthusiastic as we get in their shoes and understand their mindframe.” As a final comment Alexander expressed his excitement at the future pros- pects for the firm, which include a number of innovative new projects, as well as providing his opinion on the future trends in the industry overall. “We are really optimistic for Stirixis Group future as our strategic focus on incremental international clientele and projects all around the world is at the core of our strategy in sustaining and growing our business. New projects are on the way, mainly categorized in two pillars: customers from all over the world understanding our systemic approach hire us for their concepts in other markets; Greek businesses, having gone through the crisis have developed a focus on exports and they choose Stirixis to support them in their new quest. “Within the wider architecture industry, we believe the one-stop shop concept in architecture and design would be the next industry move as clients want to receive 360 o support and not segmented services from various consultants. The clients need consultants that can understand and share their vision of success. They need their projects to be successful and sustainable and this does not end at project delivery. The real work starts from project launch.” Best Business Concept Creation & Design – Greece & Best Greek F&B Project: Kostarelos Deli Stirixis Group is a strategy-through-execution awarded consultancy that ensures long-term success. Managing Director Alexander Athanassoulas provides us with a fascinating insight into the secrets behind the firm’s success. S “We are really optimistic for Stirixis Group future as our strategic focus on incremental international clientele and projects all around the world is at the core of our strategy in sustaining and growing our business.”