Build Architecture Awards 2016

2016 Architecture Awards Build AR160070 Our projects are known to fall gently into a particular context, yet by careful attention and reinterpretation of local standards, we bring singularity to our design solutions. Unique to our studio is that it is fully adjoined to our UP ART and DESIGN Contemporary art gallery, where both our design professionals and artists intermingle to respond and collaborate in a project development as well as in artistic critique. We welcome regular dialog on future techniques and tendencies that are emerging in all modes of virtual, visual and visceral form. These daily conversations assist us in remaining relevant, adaptable, and courageous in our undertakings. While the expediencies of technical exper- tise establish well-grounded parameters to the breadth of our invention, we do not fear thinking outside the box. Looking ahead, our future will involve continuing to enhance our commit- ment to growing a design team of independent thinkers as collaborators in the design process. We seek to expand our invention whether through pro- jects built or conceptual. Ours is a changing practice, with utmost interest in utilizing new or developing techniques to contribute to a design methodology that will sustain our goal to be involved with future changes that can be seen as open doors to invention. As such we believe that in the process of identifying problems and solutions we may reveal exciting and unexpected directions and meaningful results in all that we create for our clients, our community and global environment.