Build Architecture Awards 2016

Build 2016 Architecture Awards 46 Company: Brightman Architects Name: Chris Brightman Web Address: Telephone: 0114 418 2480 rightman Architects offers clients ten years’ experience in the industry. During this time the firm has worked on a wide range of projects across the residential, retail, commercial and indus- trial sectors, each of which have enriched the firm’s knowledge and helped it to focus its service offering, as Chris explains. “Here at Brightman Architects we have a particular passion for contempo- rary architecture, which is reflected in our work and has seen us being rec- ommended for many modern house extensions and new build homes. We believe that glazing and natural daylight is vital to the success of a space, as well as it’s connection with the site context. We are also very enthusiastic about sustainable design and construction. “Currently we are working on a new build passivhaus home in the north of England which uses the latest technology, construction techniques and the site context to reduce the energy usage of the building to a minimum. Whilst this is the very cutting edge of sustainable design, we believe that all construction projects can harness the latest technologies and construction techniques to provide low energy buildings.” The firm approach every project with a design-led service, tailor-made to each of its client’s requirements according to Chris. “Every project is unique and we work with our clients to develop the project brief to ensure that they get the most out of the proposal. No matter how large or small the project, forming a well written brief at the beginning out- lines what they are looking to achieve and gives us a good idea about how they want to live their lives. It is quite often the case that a particular way of extending the home is not the only option of achieving their goals and we like to explore all possible avenues.” Looking ahead, Chris makes it clear that the firm is keen to build upon its current success and grow as a company in order to serve a wider range of clients in the coming months and years. “Whilst only being a young practice, forming in 2014, we have grown quickly in popularity in the Sheffield area and we are looking to continue this pro- gress and grow the business by taking on more staff in the coming months.” Brightman Architects Best House Extension Architectural Firm - Sheffield Brightman Architects is a vibrant young architects practice based in Sheffield, specialising in house extensions and new build homes. We invited Chris Brightman to talk us through the firm and its vast service offering. B AR160107