Build Architecture Awards 2016

Build 2016 Architecture Awards 48 Company: Campbell Luscombe Architects Name: Leo Campbell Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Studio 3, Level 3 35 Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2025 Australia Telephone: +61 2 9310 4211 LA are widely acknowledged for their creative, award-winning designs that have generated a great number successful senior’s communities. The practice specialises in the architecture, ur- ban design and interior architecture of institutional, education, seniors residential and aged care projects. The practice was established by Leo Campbell and Desley Luscombe in 1977. Professor Luscombe is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Design Architecture & Building at the University of Technology, Sydney. The mix of the insightful academic and the experienced practitioner has enriched our architectural practice and given our clients a greater depth of thinking in all its projects, as Leo explains. “We have always found a great reward in exploring the possibilities of an architecture that can improve people’s lives, and this is the case when we design for the seniors demographic, with its specific cultural, physical and care needs. “Residential aged care projects can be programmatically complex and chal- lenging, with the need to balance the specific healthcare and safety needs of statutory authorities, with the desire to create a less clinical, comfortable “homelike” environment that will be the residence of a very frail aged group in the later stage of their lives. “The aged care and seniors housing projects of Campbell Luscombe Archi- tects are informed by a strong appreciation of architectural culture, context and sustainable design. Every building and project reflects a distinctive resolution of these themes.” Currently CLA has a broad client base encompassing a wide range of com- mercial clients as well as Sydney’s major seniors and aged care providers, (including Catholic Healthcare and UnitingCare Ageing), three of Sydney’s Universities, the NSW Department of Public Works and Services, the Attor- ney General’s Department and the NSW Department of Housing. Looking ahead, Leo outlined his predictions for the future of the aged care architecture market and how his firm aimed to be at the forefront of these developments. “Subsequent to the rise of the “lifestyle” seniors housing market, residential aged care providers are perhaps realising that their product and the model it was based on, is both uncomfortably institutional (operator focused) and looking a bit stale and frumpy. The ambiance generated by the current “lifestyle” communities is seeping upwards into the residential aged care sector and we intend to continue supporting the seniors sector by providing quality projects.” Campbell Luscombe Architects Best for Aged Care Architecture 2016 - Australia & Best NSW Senior Housing Project: The Brighton Retirement Community Campbell Luscombe Architects (CLA) have built a reputation in Australia for being at the forefront of Aged Care and Seniors Housing projects. Co- Founder Leo Campbell talks us through how the firm has come to achieve this industry leading success. C AR160093