Build Sustainable Awards 2016

2016 Sustainable Building Awards Build Company: Emergent Structures Email: [email protected] Website: 11 AR160115 the world of material re-use there are salvage companies, demolition contractors, re-use stores, and craftsmen that use reclaimed materials. In community empowerment circles there are vocational training programs, entrepreneurship training programs, and poverty reduction programs. And in the construction industry there are developers, engineers, architects, planners, and contractors,” Boylston continues. “In every city there are food activists, urban farmers, and arts programs. The big question is how can we find ways to align the visions and efforts of all of these individual actors, rather than have them work at counter- purposes to each other. We believe that stewarding this abundant resource we call construction and demolition waste with an eye toward visionary collaboration can result in the stimulation of home grown innovation that creates unprecedented community wealth. Put simply, waste plus wisdom equals wealth.”