Build Sustainable Awards 2016

Build 2016 Sustainable Building Awards 24 Company: Hurricane Wind Power Name: Anthony Jones Email :[email protected] Web Address: Telephone:540-761-7799 urricane Wind Power specialize in design of permanent magnet alternators building and designing renewable energy systems, solar system sizing and hydroelectric power. The firm’s customer base is diversified and their reasons for purchasing renewable energy components range from being more environmentally conscious to being prepared for disaster. Whilst designing systems is a straightforward process, the firm faces challenges related to costing and client expectations. Anthony outlines how the firm overcomes these obstacles. “One of the biggest obstacles we face is putting a customer into the system they want at a price that they like. I often struggle with a balance between functionality for the consumer’s needs and making compromises which meet the price point at the individuals need. “As such we strive to make systems that work simply put. In doing so we take stringent efforts to make sure the components we build are overbuilt. We ensure things are built to code because even if there is no “code” applicable in off grid construction the safety codes are put in place for a reason and we adhere to them even when we do not have to. We are known for using heavier steal than our competitors. Powder coating things others leave unfinished and workmanship second to none.” Being based in the Southern United States, a region who as a people value liberty, freedom, and self-reliance, Hurricane Wind Power’s technology is popular with clients seeking to create their own energy. Anthony outlines the developments he is currently seeing in the market. “One major development, which we see daily working on the frontline of sustainable energy, is with products that have overrating power outputs. This is pervasive in the small wind market, power inverters, charge controllers, and many other renewable components. This is problematic because consumers often do not get direct comparison options when shopping for products, and as such often purchase the wrong items. How we have addressed this and will continue to do is define what we have control over. What we have control over is our line of products. I have found that given time that we need to ensure clients fully understand what they are buying and as such we avoid miss-selling wherever possible so that our clients always receive the right product for their needs.” Going forward, Anthony believes that the focus will be on moving into new sectors and away from wind energy, which is where the firm started. “Looking to the future, we have plans on hitting sectors of the energy market that are to a large extent untapped, diversifying away from wind energy. We initially started out in the small wind market which was once very profitable. Due to the proliferation of less expensive solar products small wind has taken a smaller role but remains part of a comprehensive energy strategy. As far as opportunities go there are many ways to think outside the box and meet the energy demand of a household that are outside of the conventional wind and solar realm. We are bringing even more diverse products lines to the table in 2017 which will provide us with exciting opportunities for expansion.” In his final comments Anthony thanked the many supporters and industry peers that have assisted the firm over the years and helped it to its current success. Through a collaborative approach the firm has had a great year, and with the exiting projects coming up, Hurricane Wind Power clearly has many even better years still to come. “Hurricane Wind Power is honoured to have been recognized in the relatively short time we have been focused on off grid power construction as one of the facets of our business model. We would like to thank all of our network of off grid contractors which have offered us a lot of value and shared knowledge with us over the past few years. Especially our friends at Off Grid Contracting Lucas and Audrey Cameron for featuring our products in the many installations of the YouTube channel, 7trumpetsprepper. We currently have a growing base of about 10 of grid contractors which provide installation of a comprehensive line of products over most of the lower 48 states and Alaska. We must recognize them as we would not have received this award without the support of our network of both vendors and installers, and would like to extend our thanks for their support.” Best Off-Grid Renewable Energy Product Supplier - USA Hurricane Wind Power provides renewable energy parts for on and off grid applications for a variety of consumers. We spoke to Anthony Jones to find out more about the firm and its mission to design simpler systems and facilitate ease of use. H AR160001