Build Sustainable Awards 2016

Build 2016 Sustainable Building Awards 26 Company: Liam Russell Architects Name: Liam Russell / Georgina Graves Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web Address: Address: 24 Windlesham Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3AG Telephone: 0845 180 3676 stablished in 2007, Liam Russell Architects is committed to the principles of highest design intent with the most accessible approach, aiming to be always passionate and constantly committed. Liam discusses the firm’s focus on sustainability and how it has adapted this into every aspect of its work. “Liam Russell Architects work nationally and internationally across a range of different sectors with an approach that is pro-active, design-led and which promotes long-term relationships. The practice is highly sustainable, having recently become members of the AECB and accrediting in PassivHaus design – a continuation of our work where passive principles of sustainability have led us to receive the moniker of ‘first eco-development’ in a major UK town. We have also worked in China since 2007, where we produce CGI/renderings and other associated products. “Our approach to sustainability is to keep any solution as passive and simple as possible. The Passivhaus accreditation means that we can assess our own designs and others’. Our clients range from major investment funds to individual clients – all benefit from the same open-minded ambition.” The practice had one of its projects described as ‘sublime’ most recently – a zero- carbon high-end private residential development in the South. The complexity of that project to meet the requirements of a demanding end user whilst also remaining comparatively cost effective was a challenge the firm managed to overcome, and highlights its dedication to sustainability as an approach, as Liam is keen to emphasise as he talks us through the latest trends in the industry and how his firm is adapting around these. “Sustainability has become increasingly important in our organisation over the past few years. Especially through our projects that form an integral part of urban planning. We are committed to helping reduce carbon emissions. “Developing green-buildings has also become one of the best ways of encouraging our clients to differentiate from their competitors, by promoting their environmental integrity. The public is placing increasing demands on businesses (and brands) to prove they are doing their bit and behaving responsibly with the means that they have. Corporate responsibility is now at the forefront of many consumers’ minds be it with the tax they pay, the buildings they build or the waste they create. “One of the big sustainable design trends is biophilic design which aims to design offices, schools and other buildings as if they were another organism (or have the ability to impact on us as if they were/are) with a focus on wellbeing. Features such as the introduction of more natural light, bringing the outdoors in, providing space to re-energise and creating a sense of calm and to reconnect with nature encourage us to work and live within more productive and healthy habitats.” Looking to the future, Liam believes that the many developments in the industry, particularly those which occurred due to Brexit, will provide many exciting opportunities for his firm. “Moving forward, there are many great developments in the industry which will allow firms such as ours to develop and grow in the months and years ahead. I am pleased to say sustainable development is here to stay. Whether for long term value preservation or for more short-term energy cost reductions, sustainability is moving from a practice applied by few to a key consideration. Over the next 10-25 years, there is further scope for benefits through changes such as those discussed in the The European Commission Action Plan, Construction 2020. “The Construction 2020 Action Plan supports SMEs in the construction industry, by encouraging them to expand in the low carbon refurbishment market through financial and other incentive schemes. It also encourages a level playing field among SMEs to promote competitiveness, in particular through the Build Up Skill programme, a valuable self-improvement tool for business. “In addition, a major goal in the EU is to promote green energy and encourage “smart infrastructure”. Policy aims include investing in technology, fostering innovation in the construction industry. Research indicates that Europe has some of the most advanced energy efficient measures for the development of infrastructure. All these measures are part of the EU’s strategy to promote eco-innovation and environmentally friendly techniques for development and infrastructure. “Overall, similar to the impact the last General Election had, the Brexit referendum decision has resulted in a spike of work. In particular, our work in Asia and overseas work generally has increased based on the ‘withheld funds from overseas investors that will resume investments into London and the UK’. As we work predominantly in London our workload is only set to increase in both the short and long-term. Some discussions regarding major projects in Brighton and on the South Coast will also create activity for the practice in the near and long-term future.” Liam Russell Architects Sustainable Architects of the Year – Sussex & Award for Excellence in Residential Projects - Sussex Liam Russell Architects is based in Sussex and offers its wide variety of services throughout the UK and internationally. We invited Founder Liam Russell to tell us more. E AR160074