Build Sustainable Awards 2016

2016 Sustainable Building Awards Build 31 Company: Solar Dynamics./ James Husbands 246 425 1540 Website: about-us/solar-dynamics-in-the-news hroughout its more than 40-year history, Solar Dynamics has continuously raised the quality and performance of its solar hot water systems. It took the design of Professor Tom Lawand of Mc Gill University to a new level of reliability, and built an industry. Its founder, and former Chairman, Revd Andrew Hatch championed solar water heaters as the appropriate technology for water heating in the Caribbean. Solar Hot Water Systems are now the preferred way to heat water in the Caribbean, with good market penetration in Barbados, Saint Lucia and Grenada. In a recent survey on the satisfaction of solar water heaters in Caribbean Hotels, by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), two of Solar Dynamics’ clients were selected for inclusion in a satisfaction survey. Turtle Beach Resorts in Barbados and Bay Gardens Hotel in Saint Lucia rated their satisfaction with Solar Dynamics Hot Water Systems installed at their facilities for more than 15 years; at between 95% and 100%.Turtle Beach Resort use over 1,000,000 gallons of hot water per year in its 167 room luxury resort. Solar Dynamics is the first company in the World to provide a guaranteed temperature on the performance of its solar hot water systems, highlighting its commitment to performance and reliability. Alongside this quality of service, the firm is also keen to highlight the savings of its innovative technology. The hotels surveyed reported a return on their investment of 40% to 50% annually on the investment in the Solar Dynamics Hot Water System. This saving is particularly vital, as Caribbean countries, except for Trinidad and Tobago, pay a higher than average cost for energy. The use of solar energy is therefore important in reducing cost in the region’s tourism industry as well as in domestic homes. It makes sense therefore to eliminate the cost of energy for hot water, while earning a handsome return on investment. Looking ahead, Solar Dynamics, whose system was the first in the Caribbean to be tested and rated by Florida Solar Energy Centre, plans to address the vulnerability of solar water heaters to storm and hurricane conditions, by strengthening solar collector’s resistance to uplift winds. This is the feature which Managing Director James Husbands has set as the next big goal for Solar Dynamics. With this exciting new project, and a number of invigorating plans for service delivery, the future is bright for Solar Dynamics. Ultimately the company’s goal is to be the reliable comfort provider and money saving partner everytime the Caribbean person and their guests turns on their shower. Solar Dynamics Ltd Solar Dynamics Best for Solar Water Heating - Caribbean Solar Dynamics Ltd is the Caribbean’s leading solar hot water provider, supplying systems since 1974. We profile the firm and explore the development which has made Barbados the 4th leading nation in the World in the penetration of solar water heaters. T AR160107